VERY URGENT! Sick and bloated looking betta help!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
I posted this in the sick fish section but didn't get enough of a response so I am going to post it here. As most of you know my 3 gallon betta bowl/jar sprung a leak. So I transfered my betta into his 0.5 backup betta kit tank until I can get a new tank for him. When I put him in there he did not look very happy. I went to work today and came home to find him looking very bloated around the stomach and looking half dead. His stomach had red spots. I did a water change and noticed his stomach got even bigger and looks white at the bottom. It looks very dsguisting. I need to help him, what should I do to help him feel the way he was before?
Try the peas as suggested in the sick fish forum. I also found epsom salts beneficial for drawing out fluids. The most recommended dosages that I found were 1/8 tsp per gal. I don't believe that epsom salt will harm the betta as it isn't the same thing as aquarium salt. It helped me dramatically with my gourami with dropsy. Are his scales sticking out from his body at all? Keep doing the 50% water changes daily to keep his water pristine. Also don't feed him anything but the peas for a couple of days. Good luck.
peas are high in fiber (to a fish), and since bettas are quite prone to intestinal blockages, peas can have a laxative effect. A betta's intenstines are a tight ball, so too much protein can kill them if it forms an obstruction for more than a few days.
so would this do anything negative on my crab since he eats everyday this?
It shouldn't affect your crab at all if he eats this anyway. Make sure for your betta you take the skin off, don't know if you do this for your crab.
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