Waiting on Mollies to give Birth

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 7, 2010
Dallas, TX
We recently purchased a tank at the beginning on the year. Our mollies are getting ready to give birth. After placing both mollies in the netting tank one was more agressive towards the other one. Has anyone experienced this? I moved the more agressive mother out; hoping the other one will give birth. Usually, how long does it take before the mollie will birth the fry? Should I get another net tank or try again a both mollies in net tank again?
Welcome to AA. personally i find those breeder nets to be more stressful then good. they spawn ever 21 days i think off hand.... been a while since i had mollies. if you want to keep the fry put the adult in its own tank to release the fry with some java fern for them to hide in. good luck.
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