Walking dead is back!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 26, 2013
There is one thing that will Un glue my face from my tank and dunahgdunnndunnaghh walking dead is back woooo!!
*****SPOILER ALERT****** I got all choked up when reeeahckk was looking like a goner, than I got mad cuz Carl is such a lil goober... Than I got happy when meechone got all ninja assassin than found them.. It was truly an emotional roller coaster
:lol: That Carl is a spoiled brat, that is for sure! I have a feeling we will probably be stuck with this character for a while yet.. He's one you love to hate! I was on the edge of my seat when I thought that Rick turned. I thought for sure he was a goner. He looks horrible so far. And I am wondering how the others are doing.. Ahhhh! :ermm:
:lol: That Carl is a spoiled brat, that is for sure! I have a feeling we will probably be stuck with this character for a while yet.. He's one you love to hate! I was on the edge of my seat when I thought that Rick turned. I thought for sure he was a goner. He looks horrible so far. And I am wondering how the others are doing.. Ahhhh! :ermm:
he's rapidly approaching "worst ever" status, I hope he gets it together.. Can't wait for Sunday!!!
:lol: That Carl is a spoiled brat, that is for sure! I have a feeling we will probably be stuck with this character for a while yet.. He's one you love to hate! I was on the edge of my seat when I thought that Rick turned. I thought for sure he was a goner. He looks horrible so far. And I am wondering how the others are doing.. Ahhhh! :ermm:

Carl is always almost getting himself killed. I hope one day the zombie wins.
Carl is so sassy I can't handle it. I thought Rick had died, I literally was about to start crying, and don't get me started on Michone's flashbacks. :(
Carl is so sassy I can't handle it. I thought Rick had died, I literally was about to start crying, and don't get me started on Michone's flashbacks. :(
that was an intense scene there.. Carl better check that sassy, can't stand it..
Hey Brookster, LOL, my wife and I are both big Walking Dead fans. We both almost cried when Hershel got his head cut off last season. SO glad the governor got killed. And Carl needs his little *ss paddled. OS.
Hey Brookster, LOL, my wife and I are both big Walking Dead fans. We both almost cried when Hershel got his head cut off last season. SO glad the governor got killed. And Carl needs his little *ss paddled. OS.
good morning sir! That was a sad moment in wd history.. As much as I dis-liked the governor he was an extremely interesting character in the show. Glad he's gone though! I find myself pondering if a zombie apocalypse ever occurred, would I be forced to drink tank water? Yuck, I know.. I'm Strange..
Brookster, My name is Brian, not sir. LOL. Please call me Brian or Scales. OS.
fair enough. scales:) on a side note it looks like my sneak attack rescape plan is going to be thwarted by yet another snow storm.. Booo
So, what did you all think of the most recent season? I feel like nothing significant happened!
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