walmart tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2005
I have been planning on getting a 55 gallon tank. I was going to get it from petsmart for $209. Today while i was at walmart i saw a 55 gallon tank that looked like the exact same thing and it was only $125. Are there any difference in these two tanks.
A good chunk of the difference in price is due to Walmart's mass purchasing ability. The remainder would be differences in the accessories included if it is a kit. Could be little things like one has a HOB with BioWheel and the other is just a HOB. I'd take a pencil and paper to both store and write down as many details as you can get off the box and then compare to determine if the price savings is worth any differences.
i never thought of that. your a good consumer. ill do it when i get the time. Thanks a lot
From my cursory comparison of the same two tanks, I don't think there are really any difference -- you just get the Wal-Mart discount instead of the PetSmart specialization.
My boyfriend purchased the 29gal kit two years ago...
he had to replace the heater pretty much after he got it because it didn't work correctly.. and his heater crapped out here recently. The filter isn't that great but its sufficient.. just expect to get a better one down the line

All and all.. its not a bad deal
I recently purchase a 44 gal from walmart, we bought a filter at an auction, the tank & filter cost $200.00 tax in and from the lfs it was over $400.00. Well worth the savings IMO.
Zagz said:
Well worth the savings IMO.

Agreed. Even if you take it for granted that you have to replace the heater and filter, at Big Al's ( you can pick up both for about $40-50 plus shipping--still well worth the savings. Besides, the equipment that comes in the petsmart kit is nothing spectacular anyway. The only thing that would possibly make up for the difference in price would be the quality of the tank itself. Do you have any indication of what the warranty is on the two. I seem to remember that petsmart tanks (Top Fin I believe) offer a lifetime guaranty.
Bad experience here, I decided to get a 10 gallon tank from Walmart to save a buck, within a month a seal busted, soaked my floor, and nearly killed all my fish. Probably unrelated and happens even from petsmart tanks, but I won't be buying a 55 gallon at Walmart :p.
In their defense, there is a thread in the SW forum about a 55 Oceanic that busted a seal. It is probably more likely with the cheaper tank, but it can happen no matter what you get.
Just bought my 3rd one today. Same brand/kit the local pet* chains sell, just a LOT less on the price.
The only thing about walmart tanks is they are all square... I want to upgrade to a bowfront tank because i just think they look really sharp. and i would think they give you a bit more room for aquascaping
rocks resting on the seals are more likely the culprit in new tanks busting a seal..
walmart, meijer and whoever sell tanks that are of = quality as allglass.. oceanic is an over engineered tank IMO (I have one in my sig. I didnt pay full price for it, got it used for a very good deal) there glass is thick and the braces are WIDE, makes for a pretty tough tank but not nessiary in my book.

and cubes or square bottom tanks that are relitively short give you the most area for aquascaping mathmaticly.. just a side note..
I have one of the 55 gal setups from walmart. No problems so far ::knocks on wood:: Everything's been working fine.
I only paid $360 for my 150 gallon tank...
Walmart tanks use thinner glass and very cheap sealer.
As for over-engineered Oceanic tanks.... You'll be glad that you had the "extras" the next time your tank breaks at 2 in the morning!
btw: I've been in the business before - have seen and heard of all the horror stories.
I noticed at our local wal-mart the other night they have a 46gal bow front with stand and light hood for 198.00. Its made by AllGlass
Yeah the good deal is on the 46 gallon bowfront stand and tank they carry by ALL-GLASS. 200 bucks is a very good deal.
I have a 29 gallon Wal-Mart kit that has been up and running for almost five years. I've upgraded the filter by adding a BIO-Wheel and replaced the heater with two Tronics but I'm still using the original hood. I also got the wood stand for the tank at Wal-Mart and it looks nice when set up.
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