Want to add snails..any suggestions?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 17, 2004
san jose california
I would like to add some snails to one of my tanks.
I am leaning towards the tropical tank, but since I am still learning, I dont' know which snail if any will work best.

I also have a cold tank I could put one in.

One of the LFS I frequent has tons of snails in almost every tank, so this makes me worry about them reproducing.

I don't know anything about breed specifics, but if you want a tropical tank, you need to get a tropical snail. Your LFS should have a seperate section for all their tropical fish. Also yes, depending on the breed the snails don't even need a mate to reproduce. 8O

I hope that helps some. I'm not a snail expert, but no one else has responded yet so I'm just putting in my 2 cents. :)

A lot of the snails can be pests and can reproduce like mad, depending on the amount of excess food available.

http://www.applesnail.net is a good start for info. The site provides info about snails other than apple snails as well.
I've heard nothing but good things about that site! I have added mts to two tanks with sand. The snails help with aeration, but baby snails are seen everyday!
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