want to have 1st breeding

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Males are smaller than females, they typically have longer more colorfull finnage. Males will have a stick-like anal fin where as females will have a rounded one.
With guppies, you don't need much anything to breed them other than a male and female, lol. Just be prepared for lots and lots of guppies, lol.
If you really want to breed something real cool, and might even be able to sell the babies back to the lfs, is Bolivian Rams. Once they start spawning, they spawn every 3-5 weeks. :) And I'm sure your lfs would be able to get you a pair, so you'll be set. Then you'll just need to keep the water quality up, and a place for the parents to raise the fry. They prefer placing the eggs on a flat surface like a smooth rock, then when wigglers, they will dig a pit to place them in. I'm currently setting up my 29G to be a breeder tank for my Bolivians. :)
ok thank you, i also want if you can confirm the following picture is correct
i heard female guppies arent colorful like male, and male have very attractive colors, have a look please


is this true?
That is correct and they are fancy guppies. Breeding is just as easy with them. For every 10 gallon, I would say no more two males. Females, 3:1 or higher ration. Just make sure you are ready to deal with the babies. I had both fancy and feeder guppies and both orerrran my 10 gallon tank in less than 2 month with more than 150 babies. And that was without anything for them to hide in. My swords breed fast enough. I have 13 babies now from 1 female and she wasn't mated in my tank. That is in 8 weeks.
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