Warning Graphic Image-Snail Porn

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 7, 2017
I have 2 different nitrites and 1 golden mystery. I presently have an invasion of tiny snail from what I think from some plants.

My question is, will my 2 different breed of nitrites be successful in what I think I am looking at Tiger and tire track?

I googled it and the majority say they don’t inter-species mate, so they won’t do it.

I do know no eggs will hatch if it does work, brackish water requirement.

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Not too sure but different patterns do not make them different species (could be but I don't know for sure)

Like a red cherry shrimp and a yellow cherry shrimp are both Neocaridina and can cross breed. Like a poodle and a Labrador = Labradoodle.

The tiny snails you are seeing are likely Ramshorns or pond snails.

Are you wanting to get more snails like Nerites? I haven't heard of anyone with a brackish tank breeding them around AA.

Nerites eggs are individually laid and look ovoid, similar to a sesame seed.
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