Was starting to doubt you guys!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 1, 2011
Nitrites!! So I started up my 40g the wrong way, and I have been doing daily PWC's, and testing the water daily with my API kit. For the longest time I was reading 0's across the board, but finally after a few weeks I started seeing ammonia. I am still doing my PWC to keep that reading under the .25, but still no nitrites. We had a minor battle with ich, but beyond that my fish are healthy, and no losses!
I am cycling a 10g to put my serpae tetras into, because (contrary to what the lfs said) they are nippy little buggers, and crowding my angels. The lfs won't take them back.
Anyway I started this 10g, and a 5g in my son's room the right way in a fishless cycle. After three weeks, and nothing but ammonia, I was about to call BS on you guys, but FINALLY last night I got a No2 reading in my 10g!!!! It's finally happening!
FWIW there are live plants in the 10g, which may have sped up the cycle, as the readings in the 5g are still only ammonia.
Also have a question. The 40g has been running the longest, but I have been doing daily 50% pwc's, and using prime because of the fish. Also had to treat for ich for a week. I'm sure the ich treatment set me back, but does the prime stall the cycle too? It "detoxifies" nitrites and nitrates.
Prime does not affect the bacteria, in the contrary, help to remove the chlorine from the water, and bond some ammonia for the bacteria to eat.

Depending of the ich treatment that you used, that maybe set you back.

In regards to the other tank, keep an eye, because you are rawly close to finish the cycle.
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