water change

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2012
How do you go about adding back water after a water cycle
isiah1820 said:
How do you go about adding back water after a water cycle

I have a python water changer. So water is added from the sink right into the tank. I get the temperature right first, then I add Prime directly into the tank and then add the water until the tank is full. This is done with filters off. I wait about 30 minutes then turn the filters back on and finished.
You are protecting the motor in the filter.By turning it off it won't suck up disturbed sand and debris caused by pouring the water back in.The impeller will stay damage free.
I was told before but forget why. This is what I think but could be wrong. When I add water it's coming directly from the sink into the tank so it has chemicals that can kill the bb. Prime neutralizes this. The concern is if the filter pulls water into the media and the water isn't neutralized yet. Waiting a little bit just ensures that everything is neutralized.

Not sure if it's really necessary but that's what I heard and I've done every water change this way.
Ralphie126 said:
How does it protect it? I am not following
Chlorine and chloramine kills your BB that's one of the reasons along with protecting your fish that you have to use a water conditioner with water changes.
By leaving the filters off it gives time for the water conditioner to completely neutralize the chlorine or chloramine that might be in the tap water so it doesn't kill your good bacteria in the filter.
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