Water changes question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 23, 2003
Toronto, On., Canada
There's a slight diffence in pH between my tank water and my tap water. Tap water pH = 7.8, Tank water pH = 8.5 . I assume the difference of pH is caused by the lava rock in the tank (correct me if I'm wrong).

My question is what will happen when I do my weekly water changes? Will the difference in pH be enough to have a bad effect on the fish? I'll probably be changing 25% of the water weekly so my guess is that the fish shouldn't feel the difference. But if it will hurt the fish, is there any thing I can do to the replacement water to increase the pH before I pour it into the tank?
Hi KrispyCam,

What kinds of fish do you keep? Cichlids?

You could add some pH UP into your tap water to boost the pH, prior to adding it to your tank. (Don't add too much and make sure that you test the pH level before pouring it in)

I'm sure you will get some other advice shortly.
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