Water changes??

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 9, 2003
Austin Mn
Do you think 10 gallons per week of water change is to much?

75 gallon,30gallon sump, 130lbs live rock. and dsb

Thanks in advance Dewey
I think its fine. Expecially if your not using a skimmer. I change out approx that much water a week in my 80 gal. All in all I go thru 20-25 gal of saltwater a week in waterchanges.
one big water change a month is better than several small ones plus its less work trust me
ken said:
one big water change a month is better than several small ones plus its less work trust me

I agree with the less work part, but im not sure about the better than several water changes, why do you say that?
the reason for changing water is to get the bad stuff out and replace trace elements, the more water you change at once the more bad stuff you get out at once. and like I said it is less work plus I imagine that doing that much tank cleaning would be stressful on the fish
ken said:
the reason for changing water is to get the bad stuff out and replace trace elements, the more water you change at once the more bad stuff you get out at once. and like I said it is less work plus I imagine that doing that much tank cleaning would be stressful on the fish

That doesn't really make any sense. You're getting "bad stuff" out each time you cyphon.
I would say that a higher frequency of changes would keep water parameters more stable.

During a long space between changes nitrates will build up and Ph will drop. Every time you did a big water change the nitrates would go down and Ph will go back up dramatically. Dramatic changes in water chemistry are generally considered bad for fish.

If you do changes more often there is less time for waste products to build up, keeping parameters more stable.

Or to look at it another way, if you had a rabbit or a bird, do you think it would be happy if you cleaned the cage only once a month, even if you cleaned it really really well each month?

Just my $0.02
Good post Enki.

On the other side, think of your corals too. If you only do one large water change per month that means that for the next 30 days or so they will be exposed to increasing organics and neighboring coral allelopathy. Such buildups and changes in water chemistry are not good for our invertebrate friends either!
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