Water changes

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2005
Hello everyone,My question is after I have cycled my tank,How often and how much should I do pwc.I have a 55 gallon with 2 emperor400's giving me 800gph.I have two 7 inch oscars in it.I dont know if I am suppose to do pwc everyweek or every other week.Or do I just do them when my nitrates get to high.Thanks in advance.
Great question. :D Controlling nitrates is only one reason to do pwcs. With heavy waste producers like oscars, you also want to control the breeding ground for harmful bacteria in the water column and filter. Changing water is the best way to do this. I would change 30% every other day. Your oscars will appreciate it. :wink:
I also do frequent large water changes, but only because I have plumbing set up to do this. If I were using a python, I would do it once a week. Not because its better for the fish, but because I am too busy to do it more frequent. So don't wait for high nitrates, just do it every week, more if you feel up to it.
Oscars are sensitive to Nitrates, I would change the water whenever the Nitrates reach 20ppm. I read that there is a link between high nitrates and hole in the head with oscars.

Test regularly and change water when nitrates are above 20ppm. Change 20-30% of the water.

Good luck.
You should really consider getting a bigger tank for you oscars as well.. 55 gallons is just a little too small for oscars.. they really need minium a 75 gallon tank...
As far as changing water goes.. you really cant go wrong with more and more often.. But there is an extreme with this.. I woulnt do more then 80% every day..
I do my water change 1-2 times weekly. I really prefer doing them twice a week but when time is limited I do a larger change on the weekend.
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