water fuzzy after adding coppersafe

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 31, 2008
Scarborough, Maine
I've been treating my CT for velvet for 5 days now (it's in a thread further down titled velvet issues again). The malacite green based med I was using didn't seem to be working (he seemed to be getting worse), so I purchased some Coppersafe. Because he's only in about a quart of water, I only added about 2-3 drops of Coppersafe along with a med similar to Maracyn. I did a 100% water change before adding the Coppersafe this morning. This evening I looked in on him (he's covered with a towel to keep it dark) and to try to feed him and noticed the water looked fuzzy. I'm worried. Did I maybe add too much Coppersafe? Is it a reaction with the fungal med? Any ideas? He does seem to be up and moving around a bit more. Still not eating.

Well, I'm concerned enough that I made some more water a few hours ago mixing in the Coppersafe, anti fungal/antibiotic, and aquarium salt. Was waiting for it to get to room temp. No fuzzies in that water. Could it be the parasites clumped dying/dead together? I have no idea, but I'm doing another 100% water change tonight.
Further update...water fuzzed up again but less. I actually emailed the company to see if they'd experienced or heard anything like it. The betta actually seems better today. Anal fin less clamped, showed interest in food and ate a flake or two, swimming a bit more.
I have never heard of the water turning color like that. Let us know what the company says.
I had a lengthy conversation with the manufacturers of CopperSafe. The woman I spoke to was at a loss. She had several conversations with other people at the company about it as well. One thing she suggested is the fish may have sloughed off its slime coat which could explain why there's now less and less of the fuzzy water. Other than my other thoughts about clumping dead parasites, reaction with the antibiotic, or over dosing, they couldn't explain it and hadn't heard of anything like it.

The fish seems to be coming around very slowly. I'm worried because I have to be out of town for a few days this coming weekend. I've got a neighbor looking in on things. Hopefully he'll be doing better and I won't have to worry. Who knew you could get so attached to a wiggly, slimy little thing like a fish.
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