water Lilly/ plant care

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 4, 2012
So I bought some of the plant bulbs from petsmart about 2 months ago and my water Lilly is growing out of control, I have huge leaves and about 10-12 Lilly pads. my question is, will it eventually stop growing the Lilly pads? Also how do you trim a plant so it doesn't die on me? And once I trim a plant, will it grow back?
They wont stop growing the rizome will just keep getting bigger and more pads and roots will grow. Every spring I pull mine out and cut back the roots to about 2" and clean all the dead off. Every couple years I pull it out and do the above and cut the rizome in pieces. At every part that grows off of it can be seperated to grow a new plant. I seperated mine last year and got like 15 new plants off of it. Some I just trow out because its way more than I need

Btw. If anyone wants any let me know and ill send you some this summer.
Here it is now


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