Water question...............

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 11, 2006
I'm just getting started (again). Many years ago I enjoyed small freshwater tanks and fishes such as guppies, mollies (which I'll never have again) tetras and other normal freshwater tropical fish. Back then I lived in the city and used tap water along with the needed water conditioner. Now I have well water which is very hard and high in iron (brown rings in the sinks). We have a softener. Shouls I use the hardend water straight from the well or the water ran through our softener?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
never used softened water for a tank... if i remember right you are not suppose to use it...

are you able to give use the PH, KH and GH...? those would give us an idea how hard you water really is...
I did the test and the hard water registers as - very hard - and the softened water registers as - very soft. The hard has a tannish tint to it which makes me want to go with the softened water. But is softened water missing essential minerals? Should I just get water from a freind in the city limits that has chlorinated tap water? Either way, I'll be buying some .28 cent feeder fish at walmart to give it "the test".
Whatever you use, you should be prepared to use it for as long as you plan on keeping the tank. If your friend is going to be a reliable source and you're prepared to haul a bunch of water around, maybe that's an option. Or, you could get ro/di delivered which would probably be easier and more reliable.

Either way, I'll be buying some .28 cent feeder fish at walmart to give it "the test".

There's a big difference between a fish that gets quickly (or even eventually) eaten by another fish, and a fish that gets tortured in crappy water until it dies. There's plenty of research available so you don't have to put a living creature, no matter how much it costs, through unneccessary stress. Just test your water, test other possibilities, and then make an educated decision as to what species to go with.
There is a lot of great information on this site about fishless cycling and how to do it. It is quicker, more effective, and less stressful on your livestock. I highly suggest you give it some thought.
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