water test kit ???

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 22, 2008
South Philly, Pa.
Sorry to bother you all again, but I forgot to ask --- I need a recommendation for a good ammonia, nitrite, nitrate kit. My lfs has one by API which tests for all I listed plus PH and High End PH (whatever the heck that is) it also has one by Tetra --- They both uses the little colored cards to check for readings. Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated -- thanks
API is good for the basic stuff (that you listed) but I had trouble with the pH test. If you are looking for other test kits for other tests, seachem makes really good ones. I think Cmor has other that he likes (sorry, I can't remember them). Hopefully he will post.
I like the Salifert and LaMotte test kits. Seachem multi is fine for some tests too. I prefer titration tests where this is a distinct and obvious color change as opposed to the color charts. That has more to do with my color blindness. I can see the color begin to change and then fully change with one more drop. Much eaiser on my eyes than matching very close colors on a chart.
To all I say thanks and once again bow humbly in the presence of your knowledge ---- I thought I saw a LaMotte kit at another lfs -- If it is there I will get it --- Thanks again :)
I use the API also and have no problems. With the pH, you don't need to worry about that in FW unless it is really high or very low.
Well since I struck out getting the LaMotte test kit and the API is carried by the lfs I trust I will get the API - By the way how often do you test the water ? Once a day? Once a week? etc.
I like the Salifert and LaMotte test kits. Seachem multi is fine for some tests too. I prefer titration tests where this is a distinct and obvious color change as opposed to the color charts. That has more to do with my color blindness. I can see the color begin to change and then fully change with one more drop. Much eaiser on my eyes than matching very close colors on a chart.
I'm with Cmor here. Salifert are very good and have a decent price. LaMotte kits are great, but very expensive and somewhat complicated. I feel like a chemist when I use the Lamotte for phosphate...lol.

hehehe...we posted on the same time.
You can test once a week until you get a handle on your readings. Once you are comfortable with where everything is at and your tank is stable, you will be fine testing once a month. I test once/month for ca and alk, and every other month for mag. I have my dosing schedule pretty much set so I know what my reading should be, so I just check to be sure everything is still where it should be.
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In the beginning I tested often. At least once a week. While cycling it was every day. If I am setting up a new tank I test every day until I feel comfortable that the tank is cycled. Before doing a water change I used to pull out a cup of water. While the tanks were filling I would do the tests. Now? Well, I haven't tested in almost a year. After a while you get a feel for the tank, you know what kind of water change schedule will work for you. I do 75% water changes weekly so I know that I don't have Ammonia, Nitrite, or high Nitrates. Our city water is naturally very hard so I don't need to worry about a pH drop. If something wrong happens to the tank, then I'll test. Plus it helps that in my 55 gal I have True Rummynose Tetras. If the red on their nose starts to lighten, the water quality is suffering. Time to get out the Python and do a change!
Arent LaMotte very expensive? I use API and while I hate guessing the color (it really does feel like guessing) it still beats paying out the wazoo. I don't test as often as I should as its a pain, but my tank has been established for a long time so I just test when I'm wondering about something.
...i jsut get my water tested at my work, im too cheap to spend 28-34 bucks on a test kit lol..prolly save me money in the end tho..
I use api used it for over 35 years never done me wrong, as for testing your water once a week twice a week what ever your are comfortable with,eventually you will be able to tell if there is something wrong with your water with the behaviour of your fish,there is an old saying we dont keep fish we keep water.:)
Great advice again and thanks -- I am guessing that when I read the phrase "get the python out" you are referring to a gavel vac. :confused: Between the slang here and the weird shortcut words my son uses in his text messages to me I feel I am through the looking glass. (thats Alice in Wonderland if your too young to know looking glass) :hat:
If you are doing a sw tank (I thought you were) then you should consider testing weekly for the first year. The smaller the tank the faster things can go wrong. I have a 125 with a 30 gal sump and it's been running for over 5 years now. Last year I stopped weekly testing and went to monthly.
Yup - Freshwater Community tank - 36 gallons to be exact - I'm putting it together with my son when he comes to visit me :rolleyes:
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