Water test levels

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 15, 2014
48hrs into SW venture here are the levels I've got so far........ pH .25ppm, calcium 220ppm, kH +214.8(that's as high as the scale went on the chart provided), nitrate is 5ppm.

I have read that a high kH is good?

And how will I know if my cycle has started or ended?


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not sure what that ph number is...What are you using to get the cycle started? I used a raw shrimp...works great. Took about 2 weeks before my tank was cycled but I waited another 2 weeks just to make sure...
Lfs said that with the live rock sand and water it would cycle it self with the decay of the rock and what ever hitch hikers there were, not sure if that's enough?

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