Weighing Down Java Fern

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2011
New York
I'm currently using lead solder wrapped around the base of java fern until it roots in my tank. Hindsight being 20/20 and all I'm beginning to think that maybe the addition of heavy metals in my tank might not be the best thing. As a fairly temporary thing would the solder ties be detrimental to my cichlids or not so much?
People use lead fishing weights to weigh down plants and stuff all the time no harm, now solder, as long as it's pure led and not the rosin core should be fine.
Java fern doesn't really root in the traditional sense, it will attach its self to a rock of driftwood but not really in soil.

They also sell lead free weights, just make sure it doesn't have any copper in it of you have shrimp in the tank.
Solder shouldn't have copper in it, too high of a melting point I imagine, basically your lead solder should have lead and tin in it.
Yeah this is solid wire solder. I have them resting up against and on top of lacy rock so if they want to cling on to that they're more than welcome.
A small handfull of gravel on the roots will be all you need. It dosent take long for it to grab on to the substrate
I just tie mine to driftwood or decor. I haven't had mine root very well. They grow free floating. I find baby ferns grabbing onto my mosses.


My Narrow Leaf Java Fern is even bigger now. It's having baby plants.
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