Weird White Stuff Growing

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 26, 2013
Chicago burbs
My guppies had parasites so I treated with API General Cure following the directions. They were still sick/dying, so I did a second treatment. Now the guppies are healthy, but the tank seems sick.

I'm finding white soft fuzzy/spiky growths attached to any food I miss cleaning out after feedings and now on some of the plants. The plants are all growing and the fish and snail just ignore it, but I want to get rid of it. So far I've tried massive water changes and daily fishing out of anything white in the tank. Now that it's starting around some of the plant leaves I'm getting worried.

(a) What is it? Could this be an after-effect of the double-dose medication?
(b) How do I get rid of it?
(c) Will this affect the fish?
I have been vacuuming it out. Also scrubbed every surface and have started to pull up and wash off the plants individually which is a major pain. Is there anything that will get rid of it entirely?

You're right about overfeeding... my 5yo gets a little excited sometimes. I'll be better about monitoring the feedings.

You might want to check the food you use too. Some have a lot more binders, like flour, and other grain based products, than others, and I've found some of these seem to be more prone to growing moulds if they build up as leftovers. Snails can be a big help as clean up crew for this kind of thing too. Nerites, Mystery, ramshorns, all will eat this stuff.
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