Aquarium Advice Freak
We went on a 1 week vacation and hired someone to come feed the fish every other day. We measured out the food servings ourselves and showed her how to feed (she was experienced with fish). We have the lights on a timer. When we got home our coral beauty was missing. Although we were sad, we weren't terribly surprised at that. We did not find her body. We have lost about 3 fish in the year we've had the tank and NEVER found any of their bodies. We assume their carcases are gobbled up. However, way more surprising is the fact that our pistol shrimp has not been seen in the 2 weeks since we've returned. He's never been out of sight for more than 48 hours. We've had this guy since the day we got our liverock. (1 year ago). I thought they were near invincible. Any ideas? We miss him.