What’s going on with my snails?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 14, 2022
I got two snails from petsmart about maybe a month ago. I’ve noticed that their antennas have grown very noticeably in size(length)What does this mean? Are they sick?
I won’t lie, I’m not entirely sure what type of snails these are. This black/brown one was bought with what seemed to be a crack in their shell


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Those do seem long. To keep strong shells try feeding Hikari Crab Cuisine. Add a bird department supplement plain Cuttlebone. You can also add a cleaned chicken egg shell over the top of the crack if it seems worrisome.

But feeding them some clean, organic greens could be helpful too for additional vitamins and minerals.
Chestnut mystery snails. Some sellers just call them brown striped or black striped. Every one I've ever had grew to quite large proportions, starting with the antennas. I liken it to a puppy's feet growing first, then the rest of the body (birds too: first the feet and beak, then the body catches up). So they could be quite young and go into a growth phase in the next month.

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