What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

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Moved my 16bow into the bedroom to make rook for my 46bow in its former place. Now I can start setting it up, can't wait!!
Water changes is my best time of the week for me. Barney only gets excited when he see his cup of food. He gets scared when the siphon enters the water though.
Terrance said:
Did my weekly 50% water change for my puffer tanks. Uploaded Barney eating his clam: Barney Eating Clam - YouTube

Very cool. Puffers are so cute when they eat, they look so happy! I did my water changes on the freshwater tanks today, my puffers will get theirs when I get home tomorrow.
Watched my new female betta .. she is still alil shy compared to my other one but she a different fish. Fed her bloodworms n found she isnt near as picky as my male was . Checked the heater to make sure it was workin properly n tested my levels.
New Aglaonema Plants in Tanks

Hello again AA...

Added two Aglaonema "Cutlass" plants to my terraphyte/biotope tanks. Using a little liquid fert in addition to the nitrogens the fish produce. Plant experts say to "mist" the leaves with a spray bottle containing treated tap water and a source of micro nutrients.

Appartently, since the plants come from a humid environment, misting the leaves mimics humid conditions. The plant roots take in the water nutrients and the leaves remove excess water from droplets that form on the leaves. Supposedly similar to "pearling" in aquatic plants. Room temp is at 72 degrees. Aglaonema is supposed to be slow growing, but the growth is considerable from what I've noticed over the past couple of months. The land plant grows better emersed than potted.

Water properties in the tanks remain stable with water changes at a gallon or two a week. Pretty amazing since the tanks are 38 to 55 gallons. Fish continue to breed normally.

Just an update.

Bubbles, I think your mystery cories are adolfos, not sure though lol
I'm monitoring my blue guppy, trying to treat his ever repetitive fin rot
He'll love the big 55 when I set it up
Wondering how many more bettas I NEED lol
filled up the 46 bow. decided to go with flora max as the substrate. got the filter running so things can settle and clear overnight. will search for plants tomorrow.

setup the 10 gallon and moved over my angel pair and remaining eggs. this is the first batch for all of us so it's an experience. i used alot of the water from the existing tank to seed the 10 and 46 so the 44 corner got a good water change. and as a reward for everyone behaving, they got a nice dinner of frozen brine shrimp :)

i'm exhausted and havent even looked at the salt tanks!
Did the full service on the 135... Pruned plants, washed walls, cleaned out hob...surprised how dirty it got in just a few weeks! We also changed the water of corse...lol. I also did water tests on all three tanks and added ammonia to the 55 on fishless cycle. ( moving along at light speed!). Tomorrow I will get the new 20 gallon going so I can switch the fish from the 20 in the kitchen. The one in the kitchen is overrun with pond snails from the family trying to help feed the fish...lol. I'm going to move the filter etc from the kitchen tank to the one in the fish room and tear down and clean the one in the kitchen. I will also switch out its gravel for pfs...but prob after the holiday season. I need the kitchen counter space for holiday baking! ;-).
Today, I will sit and watch. :) Yesterday I did a WC and cleaned up the 20G. Added four little japan blue guppies to the QT tank.
Going to look around at petsmart for some new territories for my african cichlids that dont take up to much space .. got my water setup lettin it get room temp n what not before i do a pwc on the 10g .. i always fix up the water before church then come home after church n do my maintence ... considerin buyin sand for the 10g n changin the 5.5gal to the 10gs gravel ..
Apologized to my fish and plants this afternoon. I got to work in the morning and forgot to turn on the lights. yes, it did bother me for 8 hours.
Did a 50% pwc on the 46g bf last night and done another 70% this morning. It had been a 2 weeks since the last one and it needed it. As I was refilling the tank 2 of my angel fish were picking at the powerhead and sure enough by afternoon time they had spawned. Same male with a different female this time. This will be my second first time mother so I'm not expecting things to go good once again lol

Apologized to my fish and plants this afternoon. I got to work in the morning and forgot to turn on the lights. yes, it did bother me for 8 hours.

Hello Tetra...

How about putting the tank lights on a timer? The LFS has some that cost next to nothing and they'll last quite a while. Marineland has an "Aqua Timer" for about $8.00. Set the lights for 12 hours on and 12 off. Most aquarium plants are tropical and used to long hours of daylight. The fish are indifferent to light, but do need periods of light and darkness or dusk so their reproduction processes remain normal.

Just a thought.

Biotope Tanks


This morning I misted the emersed land plants in my tanks. I use a combo of treated tap water and a liquid plant food in the mist. The plant leaves absorb the nutrients in the spray and the emersed roots use the nitrogens produced by the fish.

My basement tank room is relatively humid this time of year. Can't leave the windows open to dry out the room. Temp in the tanks is 76 and the basement stays close to this temp year round. Pretty toasty for a northern Colorado basement.

The land plants continue to purify the tank water and show better growth than the same plant potted in standard organic potting mixture.

Did my weekly water changes for my puffer tanks. Then searched craigslist for large 100+ gallon tanks.
Busy fish day

Did a moderate rescape of the 6.6G Edge dwarf shrimp tank adding Dwarf Hair Grass right in the middle to get the most light. I have the halogen bulbs not LED, since I found some on clearance it may be awhile until I upgrade to the LED ones. Also added two small Widelov "Fern".

Added an Africa Anubias, to my 38G along with a pwc, leaf trim and slight rearrange of a few plants. Added a Fern on a coco fiber log don't know name of it yet. Cleaned out the filter and prefilter ....YIKES. Pretty mucky!!!

Filled the pond and took out small pebbles from a potted lily after one of my Koi got a pebble stuck in his mouth. Never even thought about the pebbles in there as the leaves covered it when I bought it. :eek: Cleaned out the leaves and cleaned the prefilter.

Filled up the other three tanks. All is great in fishland except 1 male Betta has a tummy ache, he pooped big and he's looking better now.

Bought Flourish this time and dosed all the tanks after all the pwc were finished.

Gave everyone a treat of freeze dried brine shrimp. Tomorrow maybe able to pick up fresh, mmmmmm!
Did a small pwc n cleaned all my equipment off bc i realized i forgot to sunday. Rearranged n added a few things. Sat back n watched my fish i think my betta thinks she is an oto..lol she is right n the middle of them going up n down the side of the tank .. lol :)
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