I finally hit the $1/ gallon sale! Picked up a 40 breeder, a 20 long, and a doubletail half-moon betta, all for... $91! Less than the regular cost of the 40. My neighbor went with me since she has a van so we could actually haul tanks home, and she gave me a spare 10 gallon tank since she replaced one of hers with a 20. So all in all, good day! Three new tanks and a pretty fish. Gonna relax for a while then clean up the 10 gallon since it's kinda gross from sitting empty for a while, then it's time to start cleaning my spare room out to make way for the tanks. Hopefully I can get to lowe's sometime soon for stand materials. And then I'll be placing a nice big order of supplies from fosters and smith.
I now have:
Running -
3x 10 gallon
30 gallon long
5 gallon
56 gallon cube
1.5 gallon
10 gallon
40 gallon
20 long
20 high
Plus a hex tank of unknown gallonage that I haven't picked up yet.
For a grand total of 12 tanks and 212+ gallons. Yeah, I think I have a mild case of MTS.