What do ya'll think would be the best shrimp to keep

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
I'm going to set my 10 gallon up as a shrimp tank or maybe my 1 gallon but I think it would be funner if I did the 10 gallon as a shrimp tank... How many of the shrimp you like could I keep in each one just so I know which one I would like better to set up as a shrimp tank? What special requirements do they need? What plants should I get for them that require low light?

Thanks for your help
Red Cherry Shrimp are probably one of the easiest types to keep. They are hardier than others and will readily breed. The 10g would be the best option....I'd start with 8-12 shrimp....and they will eventually multiply. They love moss...it is good cover for shrimplets. Any low light plants would work though....Anubias, Crypts, Hornwort, Java fern, and Anacharis. Shrimp like plants....and as far as I can tell, aren't too picky...besides having a preference for moss. Java moss is a low light moss.

Special requirements.....stable water conditions, a cycled tank. The 10g would be more stable....so I wouldn't even consider using the 1g.
what do they eat? plant matter? should i also feed them fish food or just let them be?
When I had my cherry Shrimp I would feed them half of a algae tab every other day plus I threw in shrimp pellets sometimes as a substitute for the algae tab. They spawned like crazy till I made the mistake of putting fish in the tank.
ok thanks... so no fish if i want them to breed?
depends on what fish really. you could do pygmy cories or oto's maybe. most fish would not be a good idea if you want them to breed at a quicker pace or have the shrimplets survive.
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