What do you feed your SW fish?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 15, 2006
Nashville TN
Im just currious! I feed mine frozen mysis every other day.... and flakes for those that will eat it about 2 day's a week....
I feeed, frozen mysis and brine soaked in garlic, zoe, and selcon, every other day. I also mix in som flakes, every once in a while.
IME, variety and quality are the keys to a good diet. I feed every other day, roating between frozen and flake. I feed frozen mysis and marine cusisine, thawed and rinsed and soaked in garlic extrem, selcon and vita chem. I also add DT's, liquidlife marine and kent zoo-plex. For flake I use Ocean nutritian Prime Reef and OSI Spirulina. Nori every non-feeding day for the tangs.
perhaps it would be more informative to explain what fish your feeding what to. i'd give my experiences, but my tanks still cycling, cant give any input
well all my fish eat the frozen mysis (including my fw fish) and the only fish that will eat the flakes is the clown
I agree with Brian as Variety is the key. I feed mine flake,mysis , vitamin enriched brine and emerald entree. Eventually your other fish will move on over to flake if you feed a variety. Hope all goes well.
i feed mine new life spectrum { the small stuff} and somedays marine cuisine- i think its made by san francisco bay.
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