What do you keep your water in?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 15, 2004
Kirkland, WA
I was thinking of buying a food grade 30 gallon barrel from a manufacturer in ID. The barrel has a snap lid, so the entire top can be taken off versus the ones you normally see with the two small access holes on the top. I am planning to store RO water in here or possible use it for storing pre-mixed water for wtaer changes, etc.

What do you use to store your water in? :?:
I have stored water in rubbermaid garbage cans, 15gallon bulk bleach barrels and I have 7g containers with a spout that I use also.
We always use 3 5 gallon drinking water bottles to get water-mix salt-and store until next water change. This works well because they only take up 1/3 of the room under my tank and they are very mobile.
Grey rubbermaid "Brutas" 44 gallon can for pre-mixed salt and a 34 gallon brutas for top off RO. If you go with a trashcan get a thick plastic one without wheels.
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