What does a UV sterilizer do?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 10, 2007
I have a 125 african cichlid tank with what I consider to be an alge problem. I saw some ad say that this uv sterilizer minimizes alge. Do UV sterilizers kill alge. I noticed in my return from my cannister filter in the clear hose alge growing in it and it is also on the glass. I don't mind the alge on the rocks cause it adds some color and food for the fish but I dont like it on the glass. I clean the glass weekly and it comes back every week. any suggestions... by the way my lights are on for 9 hours. It is 100 total watts of lighting. and the temp is at 78-79 degrees


A UV will only kill algae that is free-floating in the water (volvox, euglena etc.).

If you want to spend less time cleaning glass, get some Malaysian trumpet snails (MTS).
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