What does coraline algae look like?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 5, 2004
I'm coming toward the end of my cycle, and I'm starting to notice deep red-purple patches forming on my rocks ,glass and powerhead. It's not red its more purple. I dont think its cyano but then again I'm new at this.
How can I be sure?
If it's slimy and kinda wavy...vacuums off the rocks easily, then it's cyano. Coraline, which is what you have based on your description, is hard and flaky. It loves plastic and will cover a powerhead or PVC pipe quickly. It will also form round patches on the glass. It comes in all different colors with purple being very common. Pink seems to show up a lot as well.
Here's 2 pics. one on the PH the other on the glass. I can scrape the algae off with my fingernail but its pretty hard to rub off.
the green algea is hair right?
I believe that is cyano. The bubbles give it away and it doesn't really look like coraline. Cut your nutrient levels as much as you can. Siphon as much of the cyano out as you can when you do a water change. If you can direct some flow at the affected areas, that usually seems to help. Cyano doesn't seem to like current much. Adding a good clean up crew should help with the hair algae.
To me, that looks like a cyno outbreak. I only say that because of all the hair algae and the fact I'm not sure what developing coralline looks like.

EDIT: Sorry, we posted at the same time.
I'll add the clean up crew shortly after the water change once my cycle is done. Any suggestions on what to get? Also how can I direct water flow to the back of the tank? Add a third PH blowing along the back wall?
There is really not a lot that will eat cyno. I can tell you all the stuff that I did to start the fight (which has been a really long fight) but I wont bore you. The things that worked the best for me are what I will share.

Daily - clean off any areas where the slime grows
Weekly - change 1/4 of the water, replace with only RO water
Daily - clean out the skimmer collection cups twice a day

Change your lights if they are old. To be old it can only take 8 months!

Move the power heads so that they are pointing on each and every part of your water. You might want to increase to 4 power heads since you only have two. I have an 80 gallon and we have a total of 5 power heads.

On the hair algae, get a lawn mower blenny. Lawn mowers love hair algae and will clean it up quickly.

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