What fish can I add

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
I have a small -5 gal - tank that the current occupants are a cory cat--male guppy & chinese algae eater. I would like to add something else but not sure what would work.

option 1 a convict cichlid for several months(then invest in a larger tank)

option 2 3 or 4 mixed barbs

option 3 2 additional male guppies

I have a feeling the cichlid and the guppy may not be a good combination. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Guppies and Cichlids won't mix at all. Unless you're trying to feed the cichlid that is (LOL).

5 Gal is a pretty small tank. Barbs are fast moving and prefer room to swim. Why not stick with some more guppies?
Of the three options you present, the only truly workable one would be Option 3. The only barbs that you might be able to get away with would be Cherry Barbs but even they will quickly outgrow your tank.

BrianNY is absolutely correct, IMHO.
Technically, none, but option 3 if you're going to do it anyway. The CAE is already in a home too small and the cory will grow.
I agree with BrianNY. Add a guppy, maybe two - probably stick with the same sex you already have so you don't have a population explosion and be overstocked. You'll be pretty much at your limit for this tank.
so if I moved the guppy -- I could get the convict, right?

I have a 30 gal tank also--with 3 platys, 3 small gold fish, 1 surviving clown loach and a chinese algae eater--the guppy could get moved there.

Unless you're prepared to have a new, larger tank within the next few months I'd forget all about the Convicts for a while. While yes, technically, a single Convict would 'fit' in your tank....it will quickly outgrow it and probably wouldn't be overly comfortable even at a small size. The guppy, of course, would rapidly disappear.
A couple things...

Platies and goldfish in your 30 gal? Are they compatible? I may be wrong, (LOL more often than not, but who's counting? :D ) but I understand that platies are tropical and goldfish are cold water fish, therefore needing different environments.

Another thing to consider is that many fish do best with some of their own kind. Instead of having just one guppy and just one cory, why not have a few guppies or a few cories? They might be a little happier that way.
Corys are happiest in a group of three or more as they are shoaling fish. The CAE is going to get bigger and they tend to be fairly aggresive when older. I would recommend at least two more corys and a couple more males guppies for the 5gal. Move you CAE to your 30gal tank or see if you can give it to one of your LFS. Also the goldies should have thier own tank as well as they are cold water fish.
I wouldn't recommend ANY barbs with the guppy as they tend to be fairly active fish and are notorious fin nippers!!!

Hope this helps you out!
Personally I would get the CAE out of that tank - mine did become aggressive with my guppies and I lost some to finrot, and that is SUCH a small space. Corys are schoolers I don't imagine he is really happy in there.

Seriously - that is a TINY tank. Put a few guppies in there (same sex) or a few neons and leave it alone. You can't add anything else as it is IMO and I really don't see your fish being so happy as they are.
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