What fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 25, 2007
Hey there - I have a 10 gallon tank I am working on, currently doing a fishless cycle - we are trying to plan our fish a little bit, and really have no idea.
The tank has a side filter and a gravel bottom. pH has been between 7.4 and 7.6.

We were thinking of getting mainly tetras - a couple neons, black phantoms, columbians. Can't think of the varities the LFS had, but we'd like a few colorful, lots of movement type fish. Can any tetras be mixed 2 or 3 of each? We also seen a few danios we liked, etc.

My other question is - can we get a betta and then a few tetras to have in the tank with it? or any other suggestions?

Bettas don't work well with other fish a lot of the time. I would keep a Betta by itself.
bettas all have different personalities. Some will get stressed with the movement of the tetras, some will chase the tetras around, some will hide from the tetras, some will be totally fine with them.

You can always try.

And by the way, pick only one type of tetra, a ten gallon is too small for multiple species of tetras. Get at least 4-6 of the kind you choose and then the betta and with regular water changes you would get along just fine.
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