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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 17, 2019
Lawrenceburg Indiana
My betta was doing so good. Now his fins look like this. IMG_0363.jpg he was in a 20G with that red tail loach. I’m kinda in a panic wondering if they had an altercation or if he has fin rot. They have been separated due to general rearranging of tanks. This how he looked the other day. Honestly this is how he looked when I first bought him. If it is fin rot any recommendations on medications appreciated. IMG_0365.jpg.
He is in the hospital tank. I dosed some aquarium salt @ 2tsp per gallon. From what I have seen online he is pretty far gone but I will do my best to heal him and get him back to full fins
Normally with fin rot you will see white patches on the fins. It looks like he got in a fight. I would just keep him in a separate tank with pristine water. I'm not a huge fan of using aquarium salt with bettas.
Change 50% of his water every two days. If he doesn't get better after a week then think about meds. You can keep up the aquarium salt. It won't hurt him.
Today he is scheduled for a complete water change. I believe the initial salt bath will help keep bacteria away and I plan on doing half the dose of salt. I just felt so bad for the guy.

Even though I bought him a leaf to rest on he usually slept/rested on the gravel. Is there something I do to help him rest better?
Aquarium salt is commonly used to treat fin damage. You can give him the 1 Tablespoon per 5 gallons of water or 1 Teaspoon per gallon.

My betta always sleeps on the bottom of his tank. Whatever is comfortable for your guy. Did you remove him from any other fish now?
He is in a three gallon hospital tank. It is heated and I have an air stone in it. I did turn off the filter but will more than likely let it run seems how I am only using salt.
Sounds good. Biggest thing he needs is pristine water to avoid infection. Let us know how he does.
Day three of hospitalization. He is swimming fine and is actively eating both pellets and dried bloodworms. It won’t happen over night but I believe he will make it.
Glad to hear your scale baby is doing better! A comment on the leaf is all I have-- our betta loves his floating log and hates his leaf. I'm pretty new to this, but the one thing we've been able to do is heal this rescue betta up from a starved, freezing betta whose fins were basically disappearing to a happy bugger who will nip a pellet off my finger.

I looked into bettas a bit when we first got them, and they're shallow-water fish. So even though they like to be at the surface, they like the bottom too, and hiding spots. I wonder if mine dislikes his leaf because it's so exposed. If your tank is naturally planted, maybe try putting the leaf so it shelters him a bit more? Or check out the betta log, https://www.amazon.ca/Zoo-Med-Floating-Betta-Log/dp/B0027ITKBS. They're not really expensive and I think the fact they can get in there and hide a bit is nice.
He was fed a hearty meal of frozen baby brine shrimp and two dried bloodworms. He will be getting a 50% water change later today. Water is warming up and dechlorinating.
He is still alive and well I keep meaning to get another picture but I have been busy. Tomorrow is water change again for him so I will try and remember so you guys can see the progress
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