What, how much, and when do I feed my fish?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 4, 2013
Boston, MA
Clearly, everyone does this differently, but I want to make sure my friends are getting enough of what they need. I just finished cycling and added the following to my 26g BF planted tank:

4 Rummynose Tetras
2 Otocinclus
3 Guppies

I have New Life Spectrum flakes and small pellets and the tetras and guppies eat both with no problems. I have Hikari algae tabs I thought I'd try with the otos, but I haven't seen them take to the tabs yet. They went crazy for the cucumber I added, but I had to remove it because it was starting to disintegrate after 48 hours. The otos did seem to prefer the piece that I blanched first.

I probably should have waited for the algae to build up before I got the otos, but they did come from an established tank at the store and look well fed. I'm hoping the two I found are well adjusted and will acclimate well. They've been munching on plants, glass and driftwood, but should I add a cucumber every couple of days or keep a fresh one in there at all times?

For the tetras and guppies, should I feed them 5 minutes worth once every day or every other day? I'm sure they can last a while without food and I don't want to over feed.
Just add about one or two flakes per fish. Don't add too many of the sinking pellets. If you put in any vegetables for your fish, you should remove it in an hour or so if its not eaten. It keeps your tank from getting dirty as fast. Your fish only need to be fed once a day, but I know everyone drops a flake or two throughout the day just to watch the fish eat.
Clearly, everyone does this differently, but I want to make sure my friends are getting enough of what they need. I just finished cycling and added the following to my 26g BF planted tank:

4 Rummynose Tetras
2 Otocinclus
3 Guppies

I have New Life Spectrum flakes and small pellets and the tetras and guppies eat both with no problems. I have Hikari algae tabs I thought I'd try with the otos, but I haven't seen them take to the tabs yet. They went crazy for the cucumber I added, but I had to remove it because it was starting to disintegrate after 48 hours. The otos did seem to prefer the piece that I blanched first.

I probably should have waited for the algae to build up before I got the otos, but they did come from an established tank at the store and look well fed. I'm hoping the two I found are well adjusted and will acclimate well. They've been munching on plants, glass and driftwood, but should I add a cucumber every couple of days or keep a fresh one in there at all times?

For the tetras and guppies, should I feed them 5 minutes worth once every day or every other day? I'm sure they can last a while without food and I don't want to over feed.

i would feed the tetras and guppys what they can eat in a 3 minute period, adding flakes and pellets slowly, not all at once. you may want to consider upping both schools also as im sure they will feel more comfortable.

as for the otos they dont eat algae, they are more interested with the bio-film that grows in the tank naturally, so dont waste your time with algae wafers, however blanched vegetables are a good choice till your tank has enough bio-film.

i would feed just once a day, or twice if you prefer. It's really up to you, but dont let the fish trick you into thinking they are still hungry. they are always hungry lol.

also a blanched pea once a week is a good idea as it is a natural laxative and good for the fish to avoid constipation. Fasting once a day will also work if you dont have any peas (frozen peas, not canned as they put additives in canned peas)
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