what is your favorite type of tank

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favorite type of tank

  • salt

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • fresh

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • brackish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • salt and fresh

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • salt and brackish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • fresh and brackish

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • i don't have a preference / all three

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
High tanks if your talking about that. Upward/cylinders ones don't give my fish swimming room.
fresh cause thats all i have, but i know if i went saltwater i would never go back
Freshwater most def, but I would like to try saltwater, but it's just too expensive and you need way too much equipment!!!
FW salt seems to difficult and way too expensive.
This is such a common misconception ...It really is no more difficult than fresh ..Expenses are really up to you,,if you have the tank(most expensive part) already then you can set up a fish only for next to nothing..Yes ,the fish are usually more expensive ,but so much nicer to look at IMHO:)
But that's only if you want a fish only tank. But most saltwater enthusiasts want coral and thats where we jump dramatically in cost and maintenance.
Fresh water.... BUT I'm crossing over to the salt world. Just ordered my 29 gallon bio cube so maybe I'll change my mind. But for now, FRESHWATER. :)
But that's only if you want a fish only tank. But most saltwater enthusiasts want coral and thats where we jump dramatically in cost and maintenance.
Ive had a fish only system for 6+ years and I'm completely content with keeping it that way..Angels ,triggers,wrasses and puffers are far more interesting to me than boring ol' corals:lol:...I understand your point though,,,people look at those beautiful full reefs in awe(i do too) and want to do it ,then realize the costs involved....Guess all i'm saying is don't discount an awesome FOWLR system,,they can be just as amazing to gaze into as any reef IMO...For the record i do manage to keep a variety of mushrooms and rics,,thats about it though,,my angels always went for anything else i have ever tried..
Definitely freshwater. Salt is nice, but I have plenty of choices with freshwater. And I don't like the smell or feel of saltwater. Always hated the beach.

Sometimes, I feel like it's the bloods vs. the crips when it comes to salt and fresh. haha
TheCrazyFishLady said:
Definitely freshwater. Salt is nice, but I have plenty of choices with freshwater. And I don't like the smell or feel of saltwater. Always hated the beach.

Sometimes, I feel like it's the bloods vs. the crips when it comes to salt and fresh. haha

What? I guess you havent tried salt..thats all

If you look at my profile pic, you can sort of guess that i love the water haha
The smell of saltwater makes me dizzy and whenever it's on my skin, it hurts. My boyfriend has a 54g cube that's salt. It's nice and all, but I'm going to stick to fresh.
I like freshwater best but only because I haven't has a sw setup, maybe in the future! Saltwater seems so much harder lol. What 14 yr old has the budget for a sw tank? Except Gboy66, and maybe a few others. But it was a rhetorical question :D

Gotta love the ocean :fish:
TheCrazyFishLady said:
The smell of saltwater makes me dizzy and whenever it's on my skin, it hurts. My boyfriend has a 54g cube that's salt. It's nice and all, but I'm going to stick to fresh.

Are you sure that when the salt water is on your skin, its not on a cut? Lol;)
Gboy66 said:
Are you sure that when the salt water is on your skin, its not on a cut? Lol;)

Some peoples skin might be more sensitive than others ;)
George9 said:
I like freshwater best but only because I haven't has a sw setup, maybe in the future! Saltwater seems so much harder lol. What 14 yr old has the budget for a sw tank? Except Gboy66, and maybe a few others. But it was a rhetorical question :D

Gotta love the ocean :fish:

Agreed, the cost is killer. Thank god i have my brother to split the costs with me! :)

I am actually in the middle of the two. I believe that a densly planted, aquascaped fw tank is just as awesome as a decked out reef tank. :) i love both.
Freshwater. I like saltwater and reefs but I would never try it unless I'm already well-off and independent and it's a big enough tank to be manageable. I can't imagine the maintenance on a five gallon tank for saltwater and no one is going to be committed as me when I move to college to take care of an already-hard to take care of saltwater tank. FW maintenance is just a quick and simple water change w/ Prime that my siblings will manage. I also don't have enough money. It's just not practical for me. Perhaps when I'm older.
My brother and my dad both have terrible reactions to salt water. They had a miserable time when we took a family vacation to Florida. Their skin gets sore and puffy and it burns, and it still hurts even when they try to soak it off.

I prefer FW because it's easier to find supplies for in my area, and just easier to deal with all around, IMO. I had one 15gL SW before, and it was just a pain in the butt. I gave it away to a classroom. The fish are pretty and all, but so are FW fish. Besides, in the land of 10,000 lakes, there are hoards of free FW plants for the taking. :)
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