What kind of plecostomus is this?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 30, 2004
We got this little unknown pleco from a fishshop which had it all alone in a fishtank which didn't even have one little piece of drift wood. It had been there for a very long time before we felt sorry for it and took it home. :( Of course living in greece means sometimes that you take fish home without the slightest comment or knowledge from the fishkeeper.
Could anyone recognize our little pleco? (see the picture attached)
We have searched the net but to no avail since there are so many pleco species around.

I'm not sure what kind he is, but I like the coloring pattern! Is it brown and white or black and white?

It lookes like a common pleco to me. Depending on their moods they coloring can get mottled. If it is a common plec it will grow to 18+".
Looks like an exact replica of my two - south american plecos. Can grow very large. They become active after a while - greta fun to watch at night. You seem to have stumbled upon a nice pleco! BTW - their colouring fades after a while.
Is that a clown pleco? Looks kinda like mine. And yes. His color is fading. :(
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