What kind of snail?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2013
Hi everyone. I recently got another snail and I'm not sure what kind it is and id like to know. And I thought my snail was dead (from a previous question I asked) but I smelled him and he was fine. The person said he probably went into a 'mini hibernation'. But anyways, my question is can I put him back with my acf? Because I took him out and put him in his own tank so he wouldn't harm my frog. He is still small (the frog) but my snail is big. Here's a picture of him so someone can please id him. Please and thanks in advance :)


Also what kind of filter can I get that's really quiet for my frog because I'm buying a 15 or 20 gallon this weekend.
I have a aqua clear 30 on mine and its super quiet and can adjust the flow rate and for your snail picture is kinda dark but kinda looks like a nerite snail of sorts
I have a aqua clear 30 on mine and its super quiet and can adjust the flow rate and for your snail picture is kinda dark but kinda looks like a mystery snail of sorts
Okay. If I upgrade my tank can I put my snail in there as well? I just want the best for my groggy :)
I do believe so not to familiar with the acf's you can always watch for aggression id be more concerned about your frog attacking the snail
Totally mystery. I've got one just like him. Sorry , his weenie is out in the last picture! Lol


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At first it was really hard to tell, I agree. I never liked using the tweezers, it didn't work for me. Eventually, I used some bright green stones, to make a circle, and dropped their food in the same corner every night. And in the am it was always gone. Eventually, when I came over to turn the lights off at night, they were right there waiting for it. :) I hope that helps. I've found that in the beginning, it is indeed challenging, but if they are hungry enough, they will find it. Their sense of smell and drive to feed, makes up for their poor eye sight IMO. Good luck! :)
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