Aquarium history of CC.
I got my first tank when I was 20, (am 2 months shy of 40 now) and have been hooked ever since. It was a run of the mill 10 gallon with multicolored gravel, corner box filter and a bubbling treasure chest. (Actually, I still like those silly bubbler things, don’t have any though). From there it progressed rapidly till I had a 10, 20, and 29 gallon FW tanks. Kept lots of tetras, some cichlids, and even some baby bluegills for one summer.
Then I got interested in salt, but not in the usual manner. I have a friend (also into aquaria) who lives near Rehoboth bay and Indian River Delaware, and we’d go fishing there. One week the fishing stunk and we started exploring the bay and inlet. We found anemones, scallops, mussels, pipefish, seahorses, gobies, barnacles, grass shrimp, several types of hermit crabs, tube worms, baby eels, and lots of other stuff. Oh yeah, we also found some stony coral growing on jetty rocks, very cool, but couldn’t bring any home. This was seriously cool, so we set about putting up tanks. After much trial and error we found that you can keep a lot of these things in a tank, but it’s a lot of work and neither of us had the $$ for the most necessary thing, a chiller. Also, the anemones, seahorses and pipefish all required massive quantities of live food, mostly brine shrimp naupli 2-3 times a day. The setups we made were massively cool, but at that point in my life I was so much into work/school/social life, I didn’t have time to take care of stuff properly. At this point I returned everything that was still alive back to where it came from. I’d still like to do this again someday.
After that, I got married, kept just my 29 going with tetras and corys. Then moved into my house and the pod bug got me. Spent the last few years obsessing over that, finally have things where I want them. Oh yeah, keep a 45 in the basement to over winter some pond plants and goldfish babies.
Just in the past few months, started talking to some folks at work about their tanks and got the bug to do a planted tank. Picked up the book “Nature Aquarium World”, and that was all she wrote. Now am in the midst of setting up a 90 with massive planting, driftwood, Co2 injection, the whole nine yards. Will finish the canopy this weekend, then it’ll be ready for action!