What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

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I dont even want to count all the empty tanks I have lol. soo many 20s for no reason. I also want a larger one (than my 55), something in the triple digits

For now I just want a 75g for my Mbunas and a 90g for my Angels. They'd be happier in a bigger tank.
Both nice fish! I hope you get the tanks one day! I want to set up some sort od cichlid tank as well
Both nice fish! I hope you get the tanks one day! I want to set up some sort od cichlid tank as well

Both the Mbunas and the Angels haven a ton of personality, but they are completely different. But they are somehow both Cichlids. I haven't figured out yet what constitutes a Cichlid.
WOW, great stories! This will pale by comparison, but...

Got my first fish tank at age 12 to learn responsibility, it was a 10gal and had a betta, neon tetras and an angel (I had no idea!). My dad made me completely empty it every week, clean the rocks, the whole 9 yeards. Before long I hated it so as soon as I could I got rid of it. Fast foward to 8 years ago and was looking for a new hobby and my brother says he will give me his 29 since he was moving up to a 55. Well I LOVED it, but was still completely ignorant so I immediately bought 3 bala sharks since the guy at the LFS said it would be "fine" with my tiger oscars!! so anyway pretty soon my brother is ready for a 75g and I'm moving up to a 55. Cant wait, angels? Discus? got a lot of experience now (in my mind) so I'm gonna try some more difficult fish - gettin a 55 - YEEEHAA. Brother cleans out his tank, loading it in my truck and he picks it up by the plastic frame divider and guess what? SNAP. This story could go on but it works out that my free 55 turned out to cost about $400.00 'cause I was GETTIN' my 55! Anyways, it's been bliss ever since and now I'm about to take delivery on a brand new "free" 125g.....Wonder what that will end up costing me? Who cares - its FISH ON BABY!
Well my brother bought a 10g when he was probably 11. Did everything wrong and everything died. Well last year we were inspired by my sister's boyfriend's tank so we tried out luck with some tetra schools. Has been very succesful so far and then recently my sisters boyfriend went to college sooo wah la! Ive got another 10 g to take care of and i am loving it!!! Cant wait till i can get a 55g in december!!!
Like many people, I always wanted a fishtank when I was a kid. My mom never let me have one. When I was a teenager, I actually raised about 100 tilapia along with lettuce in an integrated aquaculture/hydroponics system... I went to the International Science and Engineering Fair three years in a row and won some pretty big awards with my work. I always enjoyed spending time with my fish, but it wasn't the same as having a decorative aquarium at all.

In college I had a 5 gallon tank, but had no idea what I was doing. I don't think I did pwc's and the tank was way over stocked. Everything went well for a couple months... until they got ich and all died. In retrospect, I was clearly an idiot.

Now I'm 32 years old. My fiance suggested getting a fish tank, and I was thrilled! I got a 29 gallon community tank. I picked freshwater because I am a beginner. I'm enjoying the hobby very much and learning all the time... maybe someday I'll graduate to doing a semi-aggressive tank, and then way down the road a marine tank... but definitely won't be getting more tanks until I live in a house instead of a 3rd-story apartment.
I started out just wanting an aquarium to have Moss Balls! Then I wanted one Betta, all in a big tank. Then we decided with a 29 gallon tank, we wanted more fish...
6 years ago I bought a 15 gallon tank and experimented. I put dirt from the back yard on one side and water on the other side. I envisioned a tank with sweet plants growing on the dirt side and crystal clear water on the other side. I had goldfish in the water and fire belly toads on the dirt side. Unfortunately I didn't know what I was doing, and I ended up with mud that couldn't grow anything and black water on the other side. I didn't know about chemicals or anything. Didn't have a heater, filter, or even fish food. I just threw in veggies.

Everything was dead within 2 weeks.

Couple years later I decided to try again, but with a 29 gallon aquarium and no dirt. It did a little better, but I still didn't know a **** thing about fish. My water at my house is terrible. I didn't know about ammonia or nitrate or anything like that. At least I used a filter and heater this time. I had goldfish (which I WAY overfed), and they lasted a few months, but my lack of water changes or vacuuming eventually did them in.

A month or so ago I gave it yet another shot, this time I'm doing plenty of research and gotten all of the chemicals and test kits I need for a successful tank. The tank is doing very well so far. I even added live plants (though I need to find a better light to help them grow). I'm completely confident with the current setup. I feel like I have a really good handle on it, especially with the help of this forum. I can already feel that addiction I keep hearing about. I've only had this tank for a month and I already want something bigger to compliment this one. I just can't ask my wife to put up with all of that!
When I was about 12, I used to catch small fish from a stream (probably minnows) and keep them in a fish bowl. I graduated to a terrarium, and caught small reptiles, with slightly more success. Then, college, married, kids, and full time job kept me from even thinking about such things, until the kids were teenagers, and I was a widow, still working. I had always loved SW tanks and fish, and so, in the early 90's, I devoted an entire tax return on a 125G, with a wet/dry filter with sump and P skimmer. I kept that tank for about 6 or 7 years, and then sold it when I moved to a small apartment with my cats and my parrot.
When my daughter and I bought a house together, she decided to have a 10G FW, which she stocked with a cute little pleco, a leaf fish, a clown loach, and an upside/down cat. She had them for about 3 or 4 years, but as her job became more demanding, she spent less time on her tank. So she recently bought a 16G bow front Aqueon, to move the fish out of the 10G that had murky water.
Somehow, I just took over getting the tank set up and running, but the water kept being cloudy, so I googled cloudy water and found this forum. I had never heard of fishless cycling, and knew nothing about fresh water fish or fw fishkeeping. That was about 6 wks ago. Now I have this beautiful 16G, greatly overstocked (considering the 8 - 10" pleco and the 4.5" leaf fish) freshwater tank.
You may have guessed, that I now want to get a MUCH bigger tank, at the very least, 55G to put these gorgeous fish in. But, I am retired, and must plan such purchases in advance, so it may take awhile to get there. But I definitely will, and probably more after that, if I can find room to put them in. I spend most of my free time lurking in the shadows on this forum, and researching all I can about fw fishkeeping.
OK... THIS IS GONNA MAKE MY HEAD HURT!!!!! First, I got a small .25gal aquarium for 2 tiny ADFs. While I was fascinated by that my teacher had a guppy tank and gave them out after the aquarium unit. so i got one fish and put it in my small ADF tank. I felt bad for them and moved them to an old 10gal from... i have no clue i was sooooo little. I had no idea about fish tanks so of course i ended up dumping them in there with tap water and a filter. Guess what?! of course they died within a half hour. I dont really remember much but i ended up with some gravel a heater and decor for the tank. still didnt know about cycling the tank so i just bought a BUNCH of random fish thinking my tank was so peaceful that my fish would never fight! even tried multiple bettas together! bad idea :( anyway they ended up dying and i wanted a bigger tank. not to bad considering i was little doing it all myself. so we found out we loaned a 20g to some friends and it wasnt being used so i got that back from them and it didnt have anything with it not even a lid. so i got it set up with all the basics still not cycling it and put the bettas in there 1 male 1 female. the 10g was still hanging on during this so i need a hood and light for the 20g. we went to the store and the hoods cost just as much as the whole 20g starter kit so we bought the kit with everything you need and did everything right except CYCLING! meanwhile the old 20g had bettas that at that point i was trying to breed! so i moved everything except betta fish to the new 20gal and used the old 10 and 20g to breed bettas but they wouldnt survive and died a few weeks after.so after 6 months ( remember i did everything by myself with no help and am still doing that) i got a 55gal for my elem. graduation and birthday! so this is where i am now the summer of 2011! Still doing everything myself! its lookin good! I AM OBSESSED WITH FISH!!!!

That is SO AWSOME!! You should be so proud of yourself, and your parents should be, as well. I am a greatgrandmother, and also love fish (and cats, horses, dogs, and parrots, as well). I just wish some of my grandkids would be as inspired as you are, to do the research, as well as the work that it takes to have beautiful tanks.:dance::band:
Monterey Bay Aquarium

I first realized my love for fish when I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium! I WAS AMAZED!!! Everything was so beautiful there! I would sit in front of tanks taking pictures galore! And when I wasn't doing that I just sat mesmerized by these beautiful creatures! (The Leafy Sea Dragon will ALWAYS be my favorite!) for what seemed to be hours! Needless to say, I ended up getting a membership and went at LEAST once to twice a month for 2-3 years. Sadly My membership had to come to an end because gas was getting to expensive to drive 3 hours down south so often a year for fishies. So one day I decided I wanted my own aquarium and bought a 20 gallon tank. Before gravel even touched that tank I realized I loved too many fish at the pet store. So I bought a 36 gallon bow front. Lol. It's been nice, but I stair at my fish so much wishing I had more that I decided to JUST DO IT and buy a larger tank! :) So I recently bought a 60 gallon tank and I haven't done the transfer yet but I think that will keep me and my fish happy for quite a while ^__^ Till I can upgrade to a 120 ;) Teehee! I just love it!!! :fish2:
Long story short; My mom said i couldn't have a dog :(

I got mine when my mom said i couldn't get a dog. :( Or a rabbit, or a hamster. She argued they all look like rats. Except for the dog she said it was too much responsibility and money. >:D haha the irony now ($500 + in already with only (1) 10 gallon betta tank) So i was about 12 when a friend of mine gave me a 5 gallon with everything (hood,filter,gravel,etc.) I bought goldfish (the feeder ones, about 12) i kept them all in that 5 gallon. I would stare at the fish for hours, i even tried to train them. :( i really wanted a dog! 6 died then i moved and threw the remaining ones in the lake. ;/ Then for my 13 birthday i begged my mom for a 10 gallon. and i got one. :D The experience with the goldfish led me to do my research about keeping fish, cycling, heaters, water parameters and the whole mumbo jumbo. I then bought my first ever betta! He died ;(kept him in a cup with a 12w heater until my tank finished cycling, you know where that goes**blewup, literally) Then bought a red superdelta at my LFS he was well pampered, lived for 1 1/2 years his finnage was beautiful, bright red. I loved nemo until i left it with darla (my sis) while i was on vacation. *Died* Then when i got home i made my sister buy me an HM to redeem herself for killing my beloved fish. Benjamin now resides in my 10 gal planted tank :p
First fish tanks

It's really funny when you think about your first aquarium, which is ALWAYS too small when you get it home. You probably don't even have it cycled yet before you are planning the next one, which is most likely 2 or 3 times as big as the first. That seems to be everyone's story, that stays in the hobbly and doesn't get discouraged by the complexities, which is the part that I love.
starquest said:
It's really funny when you think about your first aquarium, which is ALWAYS too small when you get it home. You probably don't even have it cycled yet before you are planning the next one, which is most likely 2 or 3 times as big as the first. That seems to be everyone's story, that stays in the hobbly and doesn't get discouraged by the complexities, which is the part that I love.


My first was a 29 gallon tank. With you guest it 2 OSCARS :-/

By the 6th month I new something was wrong. went and got a 55g then hit the books,Internet, videos EVERYTHING i could to learn about freshwater & saltwater fish .... That's when I resized my 55g was still to small for my oscars :-( but I got a handle of things and now I'm running 5 tanks lolz.
Now my first tank is my frag tank :)
I debated fresh or salt for my 20 and decided on fresh because it seemed easier and cheaper (previous fish tanks failed miserably). The thing that really changed it was seeing a beautifully planted freshwater.
Mine has just been recent.

4 months ago, i planned to get my bamboo plant way prettier than usual knowing it does not need dirt. SO, i planned to get a vase, put some rocks in there with some bamboo, and, an angelfish living in there...

But i was too impatient and went ahead of myself. I had a 2.5 gallon which my brother used to own a betta. So then i stuck the bamboo in there, along with a very beautiful nickel sized angelfish without acclimating it. It died.

My bamboo started rotting so i had to take it out.

I then purchased a java fern knowing how easy it is to take care of.

Then i got a halfmoon betta. With no filter but with a heater. The day i purchased him, i chased him around with a stick, because he was sleeping so much, that he died.

Then i got 2 male guppies. One killed the other, the next morning, they all died. Then i got 2 ghost shrimps. They died 2 days after. (still no filteration)

So then, i gave up. Until at the flee market, my sister got me a 10g with filter, a heater, lights, hooding all for 15 bucks bargained into 10 dollars.

I told myself i need one last chance to get fish and to actually survive them for JUST one day. So then, i researched like ****.

I first wanted for my 10g. 1 angelfish, 5 cherry barbs, 5 corycat fish, 7 silver hatchetfish and one 4inch gourami.
Due to research, i narrowed my stubborness to 10 cherry barbs.
Due to more research, i gave up for 3 cories, 4 platies, 1 gourami.
Due to the most research, i then gave up, then decided to get just 2 male platy, 2 female guppies, and one dwarf gourami.

Well then what happened was that when i got 2 male platies, and in their acclimation bag, one killed the other. But the alive one was pretty healthy. I let him go into my CYCLED tank then he was stressed as expected, but then the next day he was then as healthy as ever. For a week, he swirld around the tank, he was being active and playful. BUT, he had a parasite which i was trying to figuire out how to cure. (pooping white stringy poop)

Thats when i got him 2 ghost shrimps the next week, unfortunatly, the ghost shrimps died a week after i got them. The platy and the ghost shrimp were very friendly to one another. The ghost shrimp turned white, and died.

Then, i went to purchase 2 silver tiger female guppies for my platy. For one week, the platy (hi-fin) imated whatever the guppies were doing, until the week passed, then the platy chased the guppies around everytime the females were in sight. Not in a mating way, but, in a territorial way. Thats when i noticed how aggressive i knew my platy was.

I couldnt do anyhting, until one day, i checked the fish, and the platy begging for food but he WAS overweight. and the female guppies hiding as usual. After an hour i came to check on them. One of the guppy had died. So i had enough.

The next day, i took the platy into a bag with the tank water, and called all my lfs if i could return it or if i could put it up to adoption. No one was willing to accept him. I called every relative i knew, unfortunatly they were all betta breeders and will accept it as a feeder platy. I didnt want that to happen. With no choice, i had to humanly flush him. I had no other cycled tanks, and 3 weeks was too long for my fish to live with each other.

My female silver guppy was alone. She was stressed and now caught the parasite from the platy. Now she's pooping out white stringy poop. But i still research on the cure.

After a week, i got her 2 friends. A blackish/purple female guppy and a red tuxedo female guppy. For a week they were happy, until the black tuxedo became dominant and started chasing the red tuxedo around (not the silver one though)

So after that week, i got a male lyretail. The aggressoin lowered, but the black tuxedo still chased the red tuxedo constantly. While the silver tiger was minding her own buissness. (i heard silver tiger female guppies were very rare, to point out. i got her form an independent public fish store.)

After a week, i got 2 more guppies for them, a new tall fake plant, and another java fern. One of the guppies was a male tiger guppy, while the other was a yellow lemon colored female.

Now its been 2 weeks since i purchased the 2 new guppies, they all did unfortunatly catch the parasite, but then at the same time, i found the cure. Parasite guard from petsmart. If u wanna know its this one (its a new kind of pparasite guard)
Tetra™ Parasite Guard® - Fish - Sale Category - PetSmart

Just some on an off on the directions, but then, i used the tablets, and now, all of them are as healthy as ever can be. Now, they are happy and playful with NO aggression at all and the tank is very clean with good parameters and everything. I can say the most healthiest 10gallon tank, (but not the prettiest as in style) but i dont wanna boast. :D

Now, my silver tiger female is still independent and minding her own buisseness like as if she had lost an old friend. (the other female that got killed by my platy). But now she's adapting to her new friends. Since shes been with me the longest, she doesnt mind it f i LITERALY gently touch her. All my other guppies flee when my hand is near but they'll get used to it just like my other female silver tiger guppy.

Theres my stroy of my fish caring. I have never knew how wonderful fish are and which these fish are not just for show. But for care too. (more for care i say)

In the future, i plan to jump right into a 75 gallon, with angels (what i really wanted and still do), cories, kissings, tetras and the like.

So yep, as myself can say, after 4 months, i've learned how stressed fish can be (just like what my silver tiger female wen through) and what kind of feelings fish have. I've learned the hard way on how to take care of fish, and now i've successed it.

Thank you for reading this if you had the time!!! :D
Mine has just been recent.

4 months ago, i planned to get my bamboo plant way prettier than usual knowing it does not need dirt. SO, i planned to get a vase, put some rocks in there with some bamboo, and, an angelfish living in there...

But i was too impatient and went ahead of myself. I had a 2.5 gallon which my brother used to own a betta. So then i stuck the bamboo in there, along with a very beautiful nickel sized angelfish without acclimating it. It died.

My bamboo started rotting so i had to take it out.

I then purchased a java fern knowing how easy it is to take care of.

Then i got a halfmoon betta. With no filter but with a heater. The day i purchased him, i chased him around with a stick, because he was sleeping so much, that he died.

Then i got 2 male guppies. One killed the other, the next morning, they all died. Then i got 2 ghost shrimps. They died 2 days after. (still no filteration)

So then, i gave up. Until at the flee market, my sister got me a 10g with filter, a heater, lights, hooding all for 15 bucks bargained into 10 dollars.

I told myself i need one last chance to get fish and to actually survive them for JUST one day. So then, i researched like ****.

I first wanted for my 10g. 1 angelfish, 5 cherry barbs, 5 corycat fish, 7 silver hatchetfish and one 4inch gourami.
Due to research, i narrowed my stubborness to 10 cherry barbs.
Due to more research, i gave up for 3 cories, 4 platies, 1 gourami.
Due to the most research, i then gave up, then decided to get just 2 male platy, 2 female guppies, and one dwarf gourami.

Well then what happened was that when i got 2 male platies, and in their acclimation bag, one killed the other. But the alive one was pretty healthy. I let him go into my CYCLED tank then he was stressed as expected, but then the next day he was then as healthy as ever. For a week, he swirld around the tank, he was being active and playful. BUT, he had a parasite which i was trying to figuire out how to cure. (pooping white stringy poop)

Thats when i got him 2 ghost shrimps the next week, unfortunatly, the ghost shrimps died a week after i got them. The platy and the ghost shrimp were very friendly to one another. The ghost shrimp turned white, and died.

Then, i went to purchase 2 silver tiger female guppies for my platy. For one week, the platy (hi-fin) imated whatever the guppies were doing, until the week passed, then the platy chased the guppies around everytime the females were in sight. Not in a mating way, but, in a territorial way. Thats when i noticed how aggressive i knew my platy was.

I couldnt do anyhting, until one day, i checked the fish, and the platy begging for food but he WAS overweight. and the female guppies hiding as usual. After an hour i came to check on them. One of the guppy had died. So i had enough.

The next day, i took the platy into a bag with the tank water, and called all my lfs if i could return it or if i could put it up to adoption. No one was willing to accept him. I called every relative i knew, unfortunatly they were all betta breeders and will accept it as a feeder platy. I didnt want that to happen. With no choice, i had to humanly flush him. I had no other cycled tanks, and 3 weeks was too long for my fish to live with each other.

My female silver guppy was alone. She was stressed and now caught the parasite from the platy. Now she's pooping out white stringy poop. But i still research on the cure.

After a week, i got her 2 friends. A blackish/purple female guppy and a red tuxedo female guppy. For a week they were happy, until the black tuxedo became dominant and started chasing the red tuxedo around (not the silver one though)

So after that week, i got a male lyretail. The aggressoin lowered, but the black tuxedo still chased the red tuxedo constantly. While the silver tiger was minding her own buissness. (i heard silver tiger female guppies were very rare, to point out. i got her form an independent public fish store.)

After a week, i got 2 more guppies for them, a new tall fake plant, and another java fern. One of the guppies was a male tiger guppy, while the other was a yellow lemon colored female.

Now its been 2 weeks since i purchased the 2 new guppies, they all did unfortunatly catch the parasite, but then at the same time, i found the cure. Parasite guard from petsmart. If u wanna know its this one (its a new kind of pparasite guard)
Tetra™ Parasite Guard® - Fish - Sale Category - PetSmart

Just some on an off on the directions, but then, i used the tablets, and now, all of them are as healthy as ever can be. Now, they are happy and playful with NO aggression at all and the tank is very clean with good parameters and everything. I can say the most healthiest 10gallon tank, (but not the prettiest as in style) but i dont wanna boast. :D

Now, my silver tiger female is still independent and minding her own buisseness like as if she had lost an old friend. (the other female that got killed by my platy). But now she's adapting to her new friends. Since shes been with me the longest, she doesnt mind it f i LITERALY gently touch her. All my other guppies flee when my hand is near but they'll get used to it just like my other female silver tiger guppy.

Theres my stroy of my fish caring. I have never knew how wonderful fish are and which these fish are not just for show. But for care too. (more for care i say)

In the future, i plan to jump right into a 75 gallon, with angels (what i really wanted and still do), cories, kissings, tetras and the like.

So yep, as myself can say, after 4 months, i've learned how stressed fish can be (just like what my silver tiger female wen through) and what kind of feelings fish have. I've learned the hard way on how to take care of fish, and now i've successed it.

Thank you for reading this if you had the time!!! :D

I'm glad your fish are living longer. I just have a couple things to mention that may help them do even better.
First, if you have a fish with parasites, never add any more fish. Adding more fish causes stress which can cause parasites. Plus Parasites are incredibly contagious, so your sick fish will infect ALL the new fish.

Depending on which type of parasite there are a few different ways to treat it. If it's internal parasites, which yours sound like, there is anti-parasite food. If your fish is refusing food, go to the Seachem website and it will give you a lot of info on treating Parasites, Fungus, Bacterial Infections and Viral Infections

Seachem Medications

I hope this helps you and your fish.
Before you start your Angelfish tank, read up on compatibility. There are a lot of fish that are technically compatible but are major fin nippers, there by causing your Angels an enormous amount of stress. Then your back to parasites and dead fish.
When you go to get your tank for Angelfish, you should know that a 90g is a much better fit for Angels. A 75g and a 90g are both 48"L x 18"W, but the 90G is 5" deeper than a 75g. With Angels being more of a tall fish not a long fish they are happier and healthier in the taller 90g tank.
I have an Angel tank and they are a joy to watch. I sure you'll love having them as much as I do
I'm glad your fish are living longer. I just have a couple things to mention that may help them do even better.
First, if you have a fish with parasites, never add any more fish. Adding more fish causes stress which can cause parasites. Plus Parasites are incredibly contagious, so your sick fish will infect ALL the new fish.

Depending on which type of parasite there are a few different ways to treat it. If it's internal parasites, which yours sound like, there is anti-parasite food. If your fish is refusing food, go to the Seachem website and it will give you a lot of info on treating Parasites, Fungus, Bacterial Infections and Viral Infections

Seachem Medications

I hope this helps you and your fish.
Before you start your Angelfish tank, read up on compatibility. There are a lot of fish that are technically compatible but are major fin nippers, there by causing your Angels an enormous amount of stress. Then your back to parasites and dead fish.
When you go to get your tank for Angelfish, you should know that a 90g is a much better fit for Angels. A 75g and a 90g are both 48"L x 18"W, but the 90G is 5" deeper than a 75g. With Angels being more of a tall fish not a long fish they are happier and healthier in the taller 90g tank.
I have an Angel tank and they are a joy to watch. I sure you'll love having them as much as I do

Yes, i'm still doing research on fish. And i've known how to cure fish now and got rid of the parasites as i told. My fish are living happy for the moment now and i might get the 75g (for now) tank in the far future, maybe 1-2 years later. :D Thank you for the tips though, i appreciate it. :)
My friend had a goldfish tank and as soon as I saw it I wanted a fish tank.

My friends tank is still going but now I know it is horrifically overstocked (7 common goldfish in a 65 litre tank: bad idea), plus they never clean it.
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