What ro system do you use?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 29, 2013
N. Illinois
I'm thinking of getting a portable to system for my apartment. Does anyone have experience or recommend one? It's gonna be for freshwater but I figure reef people may have better ideas.
Check out bulk reef supply. They even have kits that have parts come with it to set up to a faucet or water hose or you can do a permanent instal. I have the 5 stage ro di plus unit. They also have video to show you step by step installation. Great place and the customer service is very helpful if you have any questions.
My grocery stores have it for like $.60 and a system would be like $150 or at least the ones o was looking at are. And they can filter like 2000 gallons
Just make sure the water supply pressure in your apartment is enough to get the amount you need within a reasonable time or else it would just be dripping at the ro system outlet.
I'm at the 1st floor apartment but still the pressure is not enough. I have a reservoir tank in my ro but still i only get a gal per hour. You may need to have a booster pump to get more flow.
Yea my place will be the first floor as well. Some if seen require less than 35psi old how much that is but it doesn't sound like to much
That's a nominal pressure. You may need a large container since most ro will produce about 25 to 50 gal per day, You can just let it run the whole day and overnight.
Yea that's what I was thinking as well hopefully with wheels? Plus maybe a water pump to just plug in and let the to flow into the tanks.
You can buy a TDS meter for $40 and it will tell you how bad the output is or sometimes it will just stop flowing. My new ro filter is reading about 20 to 26. After installing a DI it reads 0 TDS
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