What should I get, dwarf frogs, ghost shrimp, or ?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 25, 2003
An Oregonian in NC
My 30 gal currently has 6 corys, 4 otos, 1 male betta, and 6 white and gold clouds (plus a sick one in qt), and I'm ready for more fishies now. I've been thinking about getting a few more clouds, plus something else. How close am I to having a fully stocked tank?

I've been researching dwarf frogs and ghost shrimp, and I think they would be compatible, but have a few questions.

Would ghost shrimp compete too much with my cories and otos for food? If not, how many should I get?

Would the frogs be likely to escape out the filter opening? I have a millenium 3000 power filter, which is pretty wide. Would they do okay with that kind of filtration, and be compatible with my current fish?

Any other suggestions on fish that would work well in my tank would be great!
gost shrimp whuldn't compete at all, they'll just die. Just kidding, kinda. They don't live very long (Only like 3 months) they are realy cool, and I think they'd be good. Just look at the topic called "Ghost shrimp mortality" in this forum. It tells ya how to do iodine and how to make them live better.
ADF's would also be compatible, all you have to do is make sure they have an opportunity to eat. I personally use a turkey baster to put bloodworms in front of the frog and he eats quite voraciously.
I have cherry red shrimp in my aquarium, I love them, but the frogs sound cool too.
I'd also go with the ADF's. I'd proably get 3 cause when I had mine thet were very social and piled on top of eachother in a cave :p mine only ate bloodworms though thats the downside they are a bit harder to feed because the fish will have it devored before it gets to the bottom :( so you just put some in front of them and they'll pig out. :)
Good Luck
Aquarium Freak said:
I'd also go with the ADF's. I'd proably get 3 cause when I had mine thet were very social and piled on top of eachother in a cave :p mine only ate bloodworms though thats the downside they are a bit harder to feed because the fish will have it devored before it gets to the bottom :( so you just put some in front of them and they'll pig out. :)
Good Luck

Just pinch some between your fingers and see if they'll eat them. Most of mine had no problem with this. I also use cublets of tubifex worms with my hands and have no problem.
PsiPro said:
I have cherry red shrimp in my aquarium, I love them, but the frogs sound cool too.

Ya don't put ADF's with cherry shrimp unless you like giving them a $5+ each snack. :wink:
I didn't realize the shrimps had such a short lifespan. Too short for my liking, so it looks like I'll be going with the froggies! Should I try to rig up some screening over the filter hole so they don't escape, or will that even be an issue?
I've never had any issues with my frogs getting out before... just if they're stuck in the castle when I take it out and put it on my floor you see little froggies hopping out because they hid themselves well...
wow, i had no idea that shrimp didnt live long. Thats realy to bad because i have 2 in my 10 gallon and i am getting rather attched to them. plus i've already had them for a month.
shrimp dont live as short as happyhillbilly said. ghost shrimp are supposed to live up to about 1.5 years or more and that's just ghost shrimp idk about the other types but i'm certain none of them live shorter than that. either way i would go with frogs :p
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