What strange things do your fish do?

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Feb 7, 2013
Perth, Australia
Lately mine are taking it in turns to swim inside the gravel vac above the water line. A fishy holiday maybe?? One angelfish did it and now they are just about lining up - guppies, cichlids, loaches.
My black neons would play in the bubbles from the airstone. they would take turns letting it fling them away and then come back for another turn. like 5-6 of them were doing this.
Lately mine are taking it in turns to swim inside the gravel vac above the water line. A fishy holiday maybe?? One angelfish did it and now they are just about lining up - guppies, cichlids, loaches.

I feed Sera O-Nips as a treat to my fish. They get so excited and greedy for the food, they form pinwheels around the tablets. It's almost like synchronized swimming. :lol:
The betta is used to have often kept circling around a stone. I found that funny but may be its normal behavior for them
I know it's normal behavior for them, but it's new to me. My shelldwellers pick up sands in their mouths and spit it a couple of inches away (that's a long distance for a little fish!). I saw the smallest one, maybe 1/2" long, do it today, with maybe 2 grains of sand.

I could watch them for hours except my job is interfering with my fish watching.

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