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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 2, 2012
Can anyone tell me what is growing on my plants?

I am currently medicating the tank for a bacterial mouth rot infection. I have carbon and zeolyte removed, only the filter running to keep water flow.

I am treating with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 together (this is day 3 of 5)

I also have a huge brown algae (and green) problem, but I really can't do anything or water changes till the meds are done (so says the box).

So, how do I get rid of this goo stuff on my plants and keep it from coming back? 40 gallon tank, 80w lights total.



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If it is bacterial, the maracyn will take care of it. Just monitor in case it effects your biological filter.

How long has the tank been running, and what fish do you have? What are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH)?

What stock do you have?

How long has that driftwood been in the tank?
I would quarantine fish in separate tank and deal with algae separate. Chances are, if its pretty new it will slowly get better on its own and thru time.
I can't check the parameters...I have been using Amquel Plus to cut ammonia, nitrates, etc. while I am dosing the medication. Carbon is removed from the filter. I notice this slime is only on the plants (brown algae is all over the glass and green algae all over the driftwood). Driftwood is in the tank for 2 months and the tank is two months old also. 2 chocolate gouramis, 2 neon tetras and 6 white cloud minnows.

I notice the slime is mainly starting wherever I have cut the stems of bunches plants. It grows where the stem is cut and now the remaining stem is turning a black color where the slime is covering it. Is this algae?
Looks like alge and decaying plant i would trim it and get some shimp in there
Could API stress coat cause slime to develop on the plants? I noticed even in my quarantine tank this is happening and the plants in there were not part of the new batch I have had them almost two months. The common denominator here is that I put stress coat in both tanks.

I can't do the water change because I am medicating..what should I do? Cut the meds off?
I don't think it is bacterial as maracyn has been in the tank 3 days and it is still spreading...
Don't stop your meds but were it me I would stop using the stress coat. The fish will be fine during treatment without it. I don't know what is it or what is causing it but I can tell you in the 30+ years I've been in this hobby I've used both Maracyn and Maracyn II and have never had those meds alone cause any slime issues. I bet its got to do with the stress coat... could you be using too much of it?
I've never heard of anything causing slime like that. It almost looks like the stuff that grows on new wood for the first week or so that it's in a tank.
If it is fungus, how do I treat it.

Something similar was growing on plants that started to turn brown and die. At this point it has also moved to plants that are alive as well. I notice it isn't killing the plants that are alive, but if it grows over a stem where I pruned, it turns the stem black on the spot it is on.

I just took a plant out to try and wipe it down and it is very slimy and stringy.
I've never heard of anything causing slime like that. It almost looks like the stuff that grows on new wood for the first week or so that it's in a tank.

That is why I asked about how long the wood had been in the tank - That is what I think it looks like.

The best way to control it would be to just make sure you have plenty of flow in the tank, and complete several water changes over the next couple of weeks. Clean water is the best way to get rid of fungus.

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