What the...... What was that? I.D. anyone?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 5, 2004
This morning when I got up at about 5:30 I looked in my tank and saw something. At first I thought it was something being blown around by my PH but WOW.
I dont have a pic cause it was to fast.
About and inch long(2-3mm wide) Whiteish-yellow. Saw 2 tiny black eyes and moved like an eel. after about a minute of swimming erratically in my tank it took off into a hole in my LR.
The thing swam all over the tank, top, bottom, over and under the LR.

I'm still cycling my tank(at the end) and the more my cycle completes the more comes out of the LR.
Any idea as to what i saw? could it be an eel?

Sounds EXACTLY what I found in my tank late at night las week. No one could positively identify it when I posted. Mine had some red and black on the tail. I wish I could take a picture....but I have only seen it at night...and is very fast!

Here's hoping for an ID

Eels hitchhiking?? that sounds crazy , it must be a 1/1000 chance to get an eel from lr , it must have been a worm or maybe u got luck and got a baby eel 8O
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