What this my Parrot ?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2008
South Carolina USA.
Sorry I didn't take a picture of it, however was just doing a little cleaning and I found a lump of something that looked and felt like a gauze. I know it is odd not knowing where one of your fish is, but this guy is Master of hiding. For 3 weeks one time I felt he was dead . I even relocated another fish out of the tank since I felt that he got to him. But later he just came popping around . So he could still be something in the tank.

After reading over it really seems like I should be giving more information about what I found .. but I just don't have a lot more. It was just a lump of something that was bigger then the fish in question. Yet I don't remember dropping in thing like gauze in the tank. But I do use this white stuff for my filter that could have some how made it in there .

Note the last time he went missing I looked for 2 days . So he can hide really well.
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