What type of fish will survive?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 20, 2004
What type of fish, if any, can survive in 62 degree temps? We want to put a fish tank in my son's room, but when we are not home we lower the heat to 62 degrees in the house. Can any type of fish handle that or do I have to get a tank heater?
Agreed...white clouds...or goldfish, if the tank is large enough (i.e. a 20 gallon for 2 fish)....just buying a $10-$15 heater would give you so many more options.
according to Tropical Fish Hobbyist (April 2003):

Paradise Fish (macroposus percularis) down to 45 F
Goldfish (carassius auratus)
White Clouds (tanichthys albonubes) down to 55 F
Zebra Danios (brachydanio rerio) down to 55 F
Dojo (cobitis taenia) down to 45 F
Guppy (poecilia reticulata)
Sunfish family Centrarchidae

I personally have a betta in an unheated 1 gallon and the temperature recently is hanging around 65 F (now how accurate the thermometer is ... I don't know ... I keep my house heated to 68 F). So with that said ... my water temperature is actually lower than my air temperature ... I've never quite figured that out. The water seems very cold to me ... but my betta is very happy and will spread his fins and do his food dance when I pick up the bloodworms.

It's a 5 gal tank...is that too small for a heater?
jibboo said:
Paradise Fish (macroposus percularis) down to 45 F
Guppy (poecilia reticulata)

These, along with bettas, may survive below 69ºF, but do not thrive at those temperatures...69ºF-72ºF is more ideal.

Water temperatures in a tank (without a heater or heat-emitting light) will always be 1-4 degress below the ambient room temperature.
I think 3-4 white clouds should be ok. I would personally just get a 50 watt heater, a betta and 1 or 2 dwarf frogs.
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