What type of snail that doesn't....

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 27, 2013
Is there a a problem free snail that doesn't lay eggs, won't reproduce rapidly, doesn't lay useless unsightly eggs like nerite snails( or so I've heard), wont create a massive population, or anything like that? Basically what I'm looking for is a snail that will clean my tank. If it's attractive then it's a bonus xD. I have a goldfish tank and I was wondering if there's any algae eater that will get the job done without leaving a bigger mess than before xD?
Japaness trapdoor snails and rabbit snails

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I would say that the Japaneses trapdoor snail would be one that you would not want to go for becuse they will over breed if fed too much. But the ones that i would look into are the Sulawesi snails (Rabbit snails) and the Nertite snails.
I have 2 rabbit snails, they are great except they destroyed my Brazilian pennywort and my jungle val. When I first got them they went around and ate all the pond snail eggs off the walls of the tank.
I have goldfish right now so I can't get any good looking snails such as rabbits T-T
Yeah I read that they're really good cleaners. But I really don't wanna see white specs all over my glass =\
I can't say for every one else but mine only lay eggs on the drift wood, and my bamboo shrimp seam to eat the eggs. I rarely find them on the glass and I have 5 in my 29 tall and 15 in my 180. That leaf was completely covered today. He cleans a leaf a day. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403137129.752179.jpg
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