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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2008
Toronto, Canada.
Another what would you do?

What would you do with a 70 gallon tank? I like colouful fish, but I know this is just going to be freshwater.

It's going to be planted. I have a natural PH of 8.
Lots of small schooling or schoaling fish. Micro Rasboras, small Rainbowfish, Dwarf Cories, etc.
Most of your tetras seem to be very colorfull, IE neons, red sarpea, rummy nose, also I use to have some long finned rosey barbs that where very pretty and very active.
I am a big fan of schooling neons. If you are doing high light, with a lot lot plants, and schooling neons, will look awesome. I also think with the same setup and angels will look really good too. :)
I don't think I like discus too much. But thanks for the options. I was maybe considering an oscar. But I don't know what else I can put in with one.
Wow - a 70 gallon tank -- If I had that I would be rich because this city gets HOT in the summer and I would charge people to swim in it ---- However, I love the idea of lots of angels - I sort of have a weak spot for them
One oscar is enough for a 70 gallon and the tank would probably need to be upgraded to a 100 at some point.

Smalle fish would give you more color in the tank. If the tank is well balanced their colors are absolutly brilliant. Tetra's an rasbora are great. I'm fond of columbian tetra's and Beckford pencilfish.
depends on how you feel and what you alrady have, or have had. would be lovely for as a small cichlid tank, but you could plant it up really nice and put loads of small colourful fish in there. i would personally go with lots of plants and lots of little colouful fish as i love to see them schooling in parts of the tank and just appearing from in the plants.
I have a 38 gallon with tetras, cardinal and neon.. so I don't really want a bigger tank with them as well - unless I was to move them over to the 70 gallon and just add more tetras, rasboras, etc since it would look great and be fun planting a 70 gallon and swap the 38 gallon over to something!

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