whats with my betta's tail?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 19, 2004
dallas, Tx
Hello all, I have a betta in a 1g undergravel filtered tank. Recently he developed a weird red bump on his tail. It looks kind of like a blood bliter, or a zit. The flesh seems stretched until smooth and shiny. The strangest thing about it is that it comes and goes throughout the day. Should I worry?
water tests normal, pH is a little high, but it always is. Last water change was 3 weeks ago, I added a small amount of stresszyme to the new water at the time of change. Fish is acting normal.
Sorry, it wasn't in your sig. (I saw Barbs and panicked!)
Is there a certain timing with the appearance/disappearance of the bump?
How long have you had this betta?
Is there anyway you can get a pic of it?
I would be doing more water changes, at least once a week for a 1gal.

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