What's wrong with my rainbow shark???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 26, 2008
Charlotte, NC
I've had this rainbow shark for approximately 2 years. Love him to bits! He's in a 46 bow with giant danios, gouramis, tiger barbs, a couple of misc. catfish, and cories. This is an established tank with no known illnesses. All of the other inhabitants are fine. Water parameters are fine.

A little over a week ago, I noticed a little bump on his nose that resembled a pimple. I treated with melafix. By Monday, he had a BIG red sore that was blood streaked. :shock: I immediately moved him out to a hospital tank and began treatment with Maracyn and Maracyn II because I figured something that progressed that badly and quickly had to be infected.

Within 24 hours of initial treatment, the swelling reduced DRAMATICALLY. But, he has a HORRIBLE nasty open wound. Here's a pic:


What in the WORLD is wrong with my shark? Is there anything else I can or should be doing?????:confused::confused::confused:

Any help appreciated...I have no idea what caused this, what it is, or if he'll survive it.
It may be caused by an injury or an illness like hole in the head. Moving him to QT was the right choice. Keep the water in the QT tank pristine clean. Do you have any medications that contain metronidazole? That is what I would use to treat your fish with. It contains antibiotic properties to reduce the chances of infection.
Thanks for your reply. I've been treating with Maracyn and Maracyn II simultaneously. I don't think either of them contain metronidazole. I think the Maracyn II has erythromyacin that is an antibiotic. But, I know the metronidazole is also good for protozoa. At this point, I don't know WHAT caused this. I suspect a scrape against rocks/ornaments that got infected. But, I really don't know...

I'll check through my fish meds to see if I can find something with metronidazole in it, though. I had planned to do a PWC tonight, even though the Maracyns recommend NOT to. I don't want the meds to overload the tank.
I read a perfect description of what is going on with my shark, and all indicators point to a bacterial infection. The information I read recommended the following treatment:

Use Koi Fix®, or you can use a combination of Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride + Oxolinic Acid Powder on the fish for a two week treatment.

I have switched to regular tetracycline, but wondered if anyone knows where I can buy the medicine listed above that isn't in a GIANT size? I'm treating a tiny 6.5 gallon hospital tank, and these treatments are apparently made for huge ponds.:confused:
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