Where can I order plants online?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 9, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Where can I order aquarium plants online? I'm in Ontario, Canada. My LFS has a very dismal selection of plants.

I'm looking for some java moss, Anubias petite, saggitaria, crypts, and other low tech, low light plants for my cherry shrimp and neon tetra tank.

Thanks everyone! :)
Try aquabid.com and see if there is a seller in your area of Canada.

I think part of the problem for shipping from the States might be having to go through customs, but I could be wrong.
Where can I order aquarium plants online? I'm in Ontario, Canada. My LFS has a very dismal selection of plants.

I'm looking for some java moss, Anubias petite, saggitaria, crypts, and other low tech, low light plants for my cherry shrimp and neon tetra tank.

Thanks everyone! :)

I've gotten some beautiful plants from Peabody's Paradise.
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