Which shrimp to get???

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MrsFreshwater said:
I'm not rehousing the angelfish! I live in Cyprus a place were if they see dogs or cats or anything on the road they don't swerve out the way!!! The fish won't even last 2 days anywhere else not to be racist or anything I know not all cypriots are like this but the majority don't look after their pets

Well to answer your question then, unfortunetly you cant get shrimp, because they would be dinner for your angels.
Just a suggestion, im sure a local petshop would love to take them.
Right I know you all think you know EVERYTHING about fish tanks and stuff like that but the fish are perfectly fine in the tank they are in the conditions of the tank are perfect they've liked for a fair amount of time haven't they!! They've NEVER had any diseases or anything so what's the problem they've got loads of room to swim around in and ive been to pet shop about this and they've just said the tank I've got has plenty of room to swim around they have a 60 x 30 tank and it's 40 high that's perfectly fine! So really there's nothing to be fussing over!
Once again, we just are trying to tell you the best for your fish and you, obviously you know more about your tank than we do. Also, maybe if you upgrade your filter, you could get a dwarf orang crayfish. They are big enough angels will leave them but small enough they wont eat angels. But you would have to like get a super canister filter.
I feel like a right ***** for having ago but I'm just frustrated I didn't even have enough money to buy that tank of my mate she gave it to me for free because she was getting posted back to the uk.
MrsFreshwater said:
Right I know you all think you know EVERYTHING about fish tanks and stuff like that but the fish are perfectly fine in the tank they are in the conditions of the tank are perfect they've liked for a fair amount of time haven't they!! They've NEVER had any diseases or anything so what's the problem they've got loads of room to swim around in and ive been to pet shop about this and they've just said the tank I've got has plenty of room to swim around they have a 60 x 30 tank and it's 40 high that's perfectly fine! So really there's nothing to be fussing over!

Listen, we are just trying to do what's best for the fish. Everyone is trying to give you advice and lead you to being a successful fish keeper. The fish may look perfectly fine but I do think they may have been stunted. Obviously it's not your fault, but it is your friends fault for not doing research. Actually there is something to be worrying over. These fish are stunted. That's the only reason they have swimming room. You may feel people are ganging up on you but were not. Merely trying to help. Most of the time fish shop employees don't know much about fish, so they will and are known for giving incorrect information. These fish would do great in a 30-40 gallon tank, but like you've said, when you have the money you'll do it. Is there no way you could rehome them and maybe get smaller ones? Then when they grow it's an excuse to get another tank! :) most shrimp will be eaten by angelfish but you look into full grown anamo shrimp. If I were you I would look into getting rid of the angelfish. Remember.. .were only trying to help :)
Woah hold the reigns there guys, did anyone even ask what kind of angels they are? There are some breeds smaller than others. And I don't believe the OP asked about the angels they asked about shrimp. We all have to remember that this is not our tank and not our fish there is no reason for all of this "dead horse" beating and that the OP shouldn't have to feel like they have to defend themselves.

To the OP, I have had angels in the past and have had ghost shrimp in the tank as well and it didn't end up a good story in the end. The Angel would literally seek out and hunt the shrimp. You have to keep in mind that angels are a species of cichlid and can tend to get aggressive. Best of luck to your tank.
Oh and 72 l is 19 US gallons not 15
We should have started with these questions:

1. What are the tank dimensions?
2. What is the filtration?
3. Other than the Angels, any other fish?
4. Planted?

These will also help determine what we can suggest!

I am sorry that you feel like we are all having a go, we truly want to help, but sometimes we get ahead of ourselves.
Width: 30cm

No there's no other fish just a snail :)
And I have 4 amazon sword plant.

And thanks for the support and help
MrsFreshwater said:
Width: 30cm

No there's no other fish just a snail :)
And I have 4 amazon sword plant.

And thanks for the support and help

Okie doke. That, in US terms is basically a 20g high.

Red Cherry Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp would be similar to what you are looking for. Red Cherry would be easier, although the potential for the Angels to eat them is extremely high. Especially with only the Amazon Swords to give them hiding places.

I don't think that shrimps wouldn't be good for that tank sadly. I would just maybe get some more plants and make a beautiful display for those Angels!

Then maybe get a small aquarium for shrimps. I kept Red Cherry Shrimps. It was a simple, cheap 1 gallon bowl with a small heater but no filtration. Lemme know if you want more details on that!

Happy fish keeping!
Ok, on to my favorite thing in the world, shrimp! Lol

If you have a spare 10G, that would be amazing! I find it to be the perfect size for a shrimp tank.

Choosing Shrimp:

If your a beginner shrimp keeper, definitely start with shrimp in the neocaridina family. They are much easier than shrimp in the caridina family. Some very easy shrimp in the neocaridina family include red cherry shrimp, snowball shrimp, blue pearl shrimp, red rili shrimp, (a newer, absolutely STUNNING shrimp) blue velvet Neo's, and yellow shrimp. All are very easy to keep, and will breed prolifically!


Plants are very important in a shrimp tank, they provide food for shrimp of all sizes. One of the best plants that house micro fauna for the shrimp, is moss. Java moss will do perfectly. The roots of floating plants are also great additions to any shrimp tank! You can try dwarf water lettuce, frogbit, Azolla, red root floater, and duckweed.


If you really want to see shrimp behave how they normally would in nature, don't add any fish to the tank. Adding fish will make the feel like they're constantly threatened. Fish will also most likely eat newborn shrimp with ease. Trust me, a thriving colony of shrimp flying everywhere never gets boring!! Especially when they frenzy over the food at feeding time;) lol if you do give in to adding fish, try to add micro fish like CPD's (celestial pearl danios), and most members of the rasbora family. My favorite shrimp tank fish are chili rasboras, they truly are an amazing fish!! Definitely loaded with personality :) oto's are perfectly fine with shrimp of ALL ages.

If you have any more questions at all, please feel free to PM me!! I'd be happy to help :)
Thanks so much you were a great help I think I may do that because I'm really interested in starting shrimp keeping they are such interesting animals and look really cool!! Can you have any type of shrimp in the same tank because getting many types of species would be really interesting.
MrsFreshwater said:
Thanks so much you were a great help I think I may do that because I'm really interested in starting shrimp keeping they are such interesting animals and look really cool!! Can you have any type of shrimp in the same tank because getting many types of species would be really interesting.

No problemo! That's how I was too! Lol they are very interesting creatures and are a great deal of fun to watch!

Not quite, shrimp in the same family cannot be housed together or else they will start to breed and produce brown colored off spring. Basically, interbreeding reverts the shrimp back to their wild colors. So, neocaridina's cannot be housed with other neocaridina's, but neocaridina's can be housed with Caridina's.

For example:

Red cherry shrimp CANNOT be housed with yellow shrimp, snowball shrimp, blue pearl shrimp, or rili shrimp.


Red cherry shrimp CAN be housed with crystal red shrimp, crystal black shrimp, tiger shrimp, OEBT's, Taiwan bees, and other shrimp from the Caridina family. But then again, Who would want RCS with their K14 breeding stock LOL

However, there have been people who have kept high grade RCS (painted fire red's) with red rili shrimp to strengthen the red in the rili shrimp, even though they're both neocaridina's! This experiment worked without producing any brown colored off spring! So if you really want to try mixing Neo's together, try it! It may produce some brand new shrimp!
I'd love to get some cherries where do you all get yours? At my lfs they are 6$ each for very small ones.
cyris69 said:
I'd love to get some cherries where do you all get yours? At my lfs they are 6$ each for very small ones.

Other members from around the forums usually sell them for $1 each, but if you want high grade RCS (painted fire reds) they're usually about $2-$3 each. If you can't find anyone on here selling them, try plantedtank.net. Check the for sale section. You have to be a member to see it though.
Not looking for high grade, I'd love to find someone to sell me maybe 12-24 of them. Are they compatible with ghost shrimp? Do you have to overnight ship them though?
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